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鞍钢技术 2014 年第5 期 ANGANG TECHNOLOGY 总第389 期 鞍钢铁路接触网负极回流系统分析 王斌,高振国,何德家 (鞍山钢铁 集团铁路运 输公司 ,辽宁 鞍山 114021) 摘要: 简要介绍 了鞍山 钢铁 集团铁路运 输公司铁路 直流接触 网工作原理 , 通过列举典 型 实例 ,归纳分析 了困扰接触网负极回流 系统正常运行的缺陷 。 根 据分析结果 ,通过优化钢轨 回 路 、增设 支柱接 地 线等措施 ,使鞍钢铁路接触 网负极故障大幅度下降 ,彻底消除 了接触 网馈 电线 以及接触线烧损的事故 。 关键词: 铁路 ;接触 网;负极回流 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: ( ) U225 A 1006-4613 2014 05-0056-04 Analysis on Cathode Backflow System of Railway Contact Grid in Angang , , Wang Bin Gao Zhenguo He Dejia ( , , Railway Transport Company of Anshan Iron Steel Group Company, Anshan 114021 Liaoning China) Abstract : The operating principle of DC contact grid for the railway line in Railway Transport Company of Anshan Iron Steel Group Company is briefly introduced. The drawbacks which influence the normal operation of the cathode backflow system of the contact grid are analyzed inductively by listing typical living examples. Based on analytical results, power failures of the cathode backflow system of the contact grid for the railway in Angang are greatly decreased and such burning accidents of feeders and contact lines in the contact grid are removed completely by taking such measures as optimizing the circuit for the rail power line and adding pillar grounding wires. Key words : railway; contact grid; cathode backflow 鞍钢铁路直流供电系统由变电所、 接触网和 1 鞍钢铁路接触网工作原理 回流网三部分构成, 由车辆受电弓向牵引电力机 接触网是一种悬挂在轨道上方沿轨道敷设的 车馈送电能, 回流网是牵


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