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中国农学通报 2010,26(13):79-89 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 食品安全文献计量学分析 周鹏举,路文如 ( 中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,北京100081) 摘 要:为实时了解国内外食品安全研究的现状和前沿动态,保持科技竞争力,作者通过对ISI Web of Knowledge 的Web of Science 引文数据库收录的有关食品安全文献进行文献计量研究,分析了国际、国 内的研究现状,并进行了比较研究,得出两点结论:第一,全球食品安全领域的论文近些年一直呈现持 续增长的态势,将来这种势头仍将继续,在这方面中国的情况和全球大势保持一致;第二,中国的食品 安全研究水平仍落后国际先进水平许多,主要体现在论文总被引次数、篇均被引次数大大落后于发达 国家。 关键词:食品安全;文献计量学;web of science 中图分类号:TS201.6 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2010-0308 Biblio-metrology Analysis of Food Safety Zhou Pengju, Lu Wenru (Agricultural Information Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Beijing 100081) Abstract: For real-time understanding of the present status and forward trends of domestic and international food safety research and maintaining technological competitiveness, this paper conducts the biblio-metrology research about literature relating to food safety in Web of Science Citation Database of ISI Web of Knowledge, analyzing the present status of international and domestic research with comparative studies, and comes to two conclusions: first, the number of global food safety papers in recent years has consistently been in the continued growth momentum, the momentum will continue in the future, this trend of China is the same as the world ’s ; second, the research of Chinas food safety is still far behind the advanced level, mainly reflected in the total number of papers have been cited and the number of each paper has been cited. Key words: food safety; biblio-metrology; web of science 0 引言 Knowledge 的Web of Science 数据库收录的有关食品 食品安全和人们的生活息息相关,2008 年爆发的 安全文献进行了计


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