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* Chinese zodiac, is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, due to the nature of the 11 species of animals and a national totem: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig, for dating. 十二生肖,是中国传统文化的重要部分,源于自然界的11种动物和一个民族图腾即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪组成,用于记年,顺序排列为子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪,用于记年。 Rat first symbolism is the spiritual, including its clever and psychic performance . 鼠的第一个象征意义是灵性,又包括它的机灵和性能通灵两个方面。 Rat second symbolic meaning, vitality is strong 鼠的第二个象征意义是生命力强 Attractive, social ability, influence, intelligence, thriftiness, charm, nervous, desire for power ,guile, greed, 吸引力,社交能力,影响力,智力,俭省,魅力,紧张,权力欲 ,狡计,贪得无厌 (Rat) (午夜23时至1时 ) (Ox) In China, often emphasizes the bullishness, have the spirit of cattle. Workhorse, stubborn temper. Cattle and dedication 在中国,经常会强调牛劲,要有些牛的精神。老黄牛,脾气倔强。牛还有献身精神。 Integrity, innovation, purposeful, diligence, stable, kind words, stubborn, indifferent, prejudice, slow, and revenge. 正直,创新,有目的,勤勉,稳定,善言,固执,冷漠,偏见,缓慢,报复 (凌晨1时至3时 ) (Tiger) Tiger, as king in the mountain is the symbol of power, energy, courage, dignity, and a symbol of power , Tiger is not fit in with the animals, dont like to protect the weak, but the character is outgoing and lively, bright youthful. 虎作为山中的大王,是巨大能量、活力、勇敢、威严、和权势的象征。虎是不合群的动物,不喜欢保护弱者,但其性格是外向活泼、明朗有朝气的。 Sincerely, good luck, brave, charity, charm, authority, impulsive, boast, irritability, indulgence, do not obey, drifting 热诚,好运,勇敢,慈善,魅力,权威,冲动,吹嘘,易怒,放纵,不服从,飘荡。 (凌晨3时至5时 ) Connected with human life, hope 与人类生命、人们美好的希望相连 Wit, cleanliness, discretion, skill, longevity, agile, and virtue, secret, amateur, self display, and blue, from cool, good, hope,. 机智,洁癖,谨慎,技巧,长寿,敏捷,德行,秘密,业余,过于拘谨,忧郁,自炫,善良,希望,。 (Rabbit) (清晨5时至7时 ) (Dragon) In Chinese traditional culture is the symbol of power, nobility and honor, and luck and a mark of success 在中国传统文化中是权势、高贵、尊荣的象征,又是幸运和成功的标志。 strength, warm-hearted, successful, courage, health, affectionate, rigidity, confusion,


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