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广州XXX人国际学校 合作协议书 Canadian International School of GZ Cooperation Agreement 广州XXX人国际学校合作协议书 Cooperation Agreement of Canadian International School of GZ 甲方:XX市XX区教育局 Party A : Education Bureau of XX District of GZ Municipality 法人代表:XXX Legal representative: XXX 乙方:XX市XX教育信息咨询有限公司 Party B : GZ XX Education Consulting Co., Ltd 法人代表:XXXX Legal representative: XXX 丙方:XX市XX区教育基金会 Party C: Education Foundation of XX District of GZ Municipality 法人代表:XXX Legal representative: XXX 甲、乙、丙三方现就在XX区XXXX教育用地建设和开办XX区XXX国际学校的合作事宜达成如下协议:The following agreement is made and entered into by and among Party A, Party B and Party C in respect of the cooperation in the construction and opening of Canadian International School in XX District on the land of education located at XXXX, Donghuan Street, XX District: 推进该合作项目的意义 I. Significance of the Promotion of Such Cooperation (一)填补XX区没有国际学校的空白,满足XX区教育多元化要求。 (I) It aims to fill the gap of no international schools in XX District so as to satisfy the requirements for education diversification in XX District. (二)促进XX区教育的国际交流与合作,尤其是与XXX的教育、文化交流与合作,以提升XX教育国际化水平。 (II) It aims to promote international exchange and cooperation in the education in XX District, especially exchange and cooperation in education and culture with Canada in order to enhance the standards of internationalization of education in XX. (三)吸引更多外资企业投资落户XX,解决在我区投资的外企驻华人员子女受教育问题。 (III) It aims to attract more foreign-funded enterprises to base in Pany, and to solve the issues of education to be received by the children of personnel with capital investment in XX District. 合作方案 II. Cooperation Solutions 合作内容 (I) Contents of cooperation 甲方提供位于XX区XXXX占地面积约29161.50平方米的教育用地[建设用地规划许可证:XX规地证(2XXX)XX号],甲、乙双方对规划部门批准上述教育用地的用地项目、用地面积等具体情况均清楚了解。乙方在该教育用地上出资并实施建设 20000-23000平方米建筑面积的双轨制国际学校,即XX区外国语学校和XXX国际学校,提供幼儿园、小学至高中的教育,招生对象以审批部门的批复为准。国际学校由乙方自主办学,独立核算,自负盈亏。国际学校采用XXX省级教育部门认证的课程结合中文语言课程,培养的学生可报考全世界优质大学。 1. Party A provides the land for education [construction land plan


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