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与『橙色思考型』的沟通原则 尊重空间,保持距离 有备而来,提供详细的数据和依据 要满足他的疑问 让他先说话 善用比较之法 代表部门:技术与财务 不是结束 ,是开始 * This interesting slide illustrates the reinforcing interplay between behavior and the contexts they cause. Moreover, I have transformed teams by habituating this one, supremely important behavior. Communications breakdowns were at root cause in all the tragedies in the images. Imagine how different things would be for so many people if these had been prevented. Appreciation Enhances Health – We used to demonstrate the physiological changes caused by appreciation in our workshops. We demonstrated the simple HeartMath sensor and software, first ourselves, and then with workshop participants. With practice, one can shift heart rate variability from incoherent to coherent in less than a minute. HeartMaths research correlates these states with changes in blood chemistry. Frustration (anger) fills your blood with known toxins. Appreciation fills your blood with life-prolonging, healthy substances. 稻盛和夫(1932年1月30日—),毕业于日本鹿儿岛大学工学部,日本实业家,日本航空名誉会长(董事长),是京瓷、第二电电(现为KDDI)两家世界500强企业的创始人。27岁创办京都陶瓷株式会社(现名京瓷Kyocera),52岁创办第二电电(原名DDI,现名KDDI,目前在日本为仅次于NTT的第二大通讯公司),这两家公司又都在他的有生之年进入世界500强,两大事业皆以惊人的力道成长。其代表性著作是《活法》,其他著作有:《你的梦想一定能实现》、《企业家成功之道》、《新经营、新日本》、《追求成功的热情》等。 稻盛和夫在1984年创立“稻盛集团”,为培育新世代经营者不遗馀力,其经营哲学被日本企业界奉为圭臬,被称为日本“经营之圣”。2010年1月,日本航空公司申请破产保护,在日本民主党政府鸠山由纪夫、小泽一郎的再三邀请下,稻盛和夫在78岁高龄出山执掌日航重组。 Appreciation at the Accounting Firm – People sometimes ask me about whether our work applies outside NASA since we have done so much work there. Our early work was in the accounting industry and then later commercial aerospace. The NASA work has only dominated the past eight years. Our first contract was with Jo Marie Dancik of Ernst Young for whom I am forever grateful. ? After we provided a three-day workshop, Jo Marie asked me to improve the culture in the Denver office. I conducted a half-day brainstorming activity. The process begins by carefully defining the question you want to address. The group chose, “WHAT


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