传染病流行病学(双语) PPT课件.ppt

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传染病流行病学(双语) PPT课件

传染病流行病学 讲 授 内 容 Teaching Content 研究传染病的意义 Study Importance 危害严重 重治轻防,后果惨重 死灰复燃 新发传染病不断出现 生物恐怖威胁存在 新出现的传染病(emerging infections or emerging infectious diseases,EID)是指新确定的和先前未知的可引起局部或在世界范围内公共卫生问题的传染病。 --- David Heymann 1997 “emerging infections ”refers to newly identified and previously unknown infectious diseases which cause public health problems,either locally or internationally。 重新出现的传染病(re-emerging infectious diseases)是指那些我们已经熟知的,且其传播水平已降低到不再成为公共卫生问题的感染又重新回复到具有流行程度传播状态的疾病。 Re-emerging infectious diseases are infections that have been known about for some time but had fallen to such low levels that they were no longer considered a public health problem。They often reappear in epidemic proportions. EID产生的原因 The cause of EID 人口数量及人的行为变化 The change of population and peoples behavior 技术进步和工业化时间的变化 Technological progress and industrialization EID产生的原因 The cause of EID 经济发展和土地使用模式的变化 Economic development and land-use patterns change 国际旅游、商贸的发展以及人口流动的数量迅速增加 The development of International travel, and commerce, and population movement EID产生的原因 The cause of EID 传染病流行趋势 传染病流行病学基本原理和方法 (一)传染源 Source of Infection 定义 体内有病原体生长、繁殖并且能排出病原体的人和动物。 分类 病人 cases 病原携带者 carriers 受感染的动物 animals 1、病人 (cases) 体内存在大量病原体 In vivo existence massive pathogen 具有利于病原体排出的临床症状 Clinical symptoms are advantageous for the pathogen discharges 潜伏期(Incubation period) 自病原体侵入机体到最早临床症状出现这一段时间 The time interval between invasion by an infectious agent and appearance of the first signor symptom of the disease in question 潜伏期的意义 Significance of Incubation Period 潜伏期的意义 Significance of Incubation Period 2、病原携带者(carrier) 没有任何临床症状而能排出病原体的人或动物 A person or animal that harbors a specific infectious agent in the absence of discernible clinical disease and serves as a potential source of infection 3、受感染的动物(infectious animal) 自然疫源性疾病(natural focal disease) 病原体在自然界中的动物间传播,在一定条件下可以传给人所致的疾病。具有严格的地方性特点。 鹦鹉热、鼠疫、莱姆病、登革热


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