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健身俱乐部私人教练职业现状的调查研究 Along with the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard and the demands for quality of life and the growing personal services, Personal Trainer comes into being, and is rapidly becoming a focus of concern in the sports fitness entertainment market. However, just because it is a neonatal thing, there is no suitable off-the-shelf model of China’s national conditions and there are many non-standard problems in the development process of this new industry, which affects their health, order and harmonious development. Therefore, regulating and developing the personal trainers of research are not only of hieraticalsignificance, but also of practical significance I used literature data, a questionnaire survey method, logical analysis, mathematical statistics and so on to have a personal trainer and the status quo and development trends in research. Analysis shows that personal study population characteristics of the trainer in China are unreasonable; practitioners are lack of experience, professional experiences are not enough; employment pressure, knowledge are capacity need to be improved; training costs, the quality is not high, and private education emerged significantly, such as practical problems. Mainly because the training system is not sound, the lack of professional ethics, related law and regulation targeted imperfect. We should to strengthen the private education market and the cultivation management, establish a good training system, standardize training market, improve the assessment system and assessment standards and strengthen industry self-regulation, norms of professional ethics to offer personal trainers a good environment Key words: fitness club , personal trainer ,present profession situation 目录 前言2 第一部分 文献综述.3 一、概念界定..3 (一)健身俱乐部的定义..3 (二)私人教练的定义3 (三)私人教练的职业特点.3 二、私人教练职业发展的背景..4 (一)私人教练职业发展的经济背景4 (二)私人教练职业发展的社会背景4 (三)私人教练职业发展的医学背景5 三、国内外研究现状6 (一)国内私人教练职业研究现状.6 (二)国外私人教练职业研究现状..10 第二部分


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