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凯利日记2 字幕 台词

THE CARRIE DIARIES 1.2 Before there was sex,before there was city.There was just me—Carrie.Carrie Bradshaw.It’s 1984.Ronald Reagan and shoulder pads were all the rage.I’m trying to figure out who I am with the help of my family,my best friends,a sexy new guy… Hey,Bradshaw. Hey. And a hot new city. What about an internship?Manhattan? Manhattan?No way.You work at “Interview” magazine? Larissa Loughlin,style editor. Carrie Bradshaw,mortified. Figuring out who I was and finding my voice wasn’t going to be easy.But I was pretty sure it was going to be a lot of fun. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul,that looking into someone’s eyes is to know the truth,to know what’s real.The same could be said for the city that never sleeps.It’s honest and totally awesome. You and your bag are fabulous.You think I’d plan a photo shoot around anything less than perfection? So it’s really gonna happen?My purse in “Interview” magazine? In two weeks’ time,two emaciated models will cling to that bag like their lives depend on it. Maybe I was lying to myself,but I felt like nothing could stop me.Or us.Except maybe Donna LaDonna and her minions,and me being grounded. Think we’re ever gonna have one minute alone,Bradshaw? We did have one minute. We did? Yeah.Don’t you remember?We were at your locker,and you said,”what time is it?”And I said,”2:05”.And then Donna showed up.I’ve seen more of Donna in the last two weeks than I have in the last decade.We were alone for exactly 65 seconds.I timed it. Just imagine what would’ve happened if we had another 19 seconds. I can’t even—uhh! Wow!Sorry. It’s Okay. Sebastian. Hey guys. We were just going. My grounding had been frustrating…and surprisingly fun for me and Dorrit. I’m gonna kill you! Carrie:Only if you can catch me!No! Bull’s-eye! Now you’re going to get it! What’s going on out here? Uh…we’re just washing the car. Really?When I heard the screaming,I just assumed you were killing each other. Nope. Hard to believe,I know. I’m proud o



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