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16. ____ girl she is! A. What bright a B. How a bright C. How bright a D. What bright 17. ____ weather we have today! A. A fine B. What a fine C. How a fine D. What fine C D Thank you, good bye! 感叹句 感叹句是表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。一般说来,感叹句是由 what 或 how 开头的,其余与陈述句结构相同, 句末用感叹句,朗读时用降调。 感叹句的结构主要由以下几种。掌握了它的搭配,及掌握了感叹句的重点。 一、用 what 引导的感叹句有四种句式,此时, what 为形容词,用作定语,修饰它后面的名词或名词词组。 1.What +名词+主语+谓语! 例如: What noise they are making! 2. What +a / an + 形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语! 例如:What a fine day it is!(多么好的天气啊!) What an old building that is!(那是一栋多么破旧的楼房啊! 3. What + 形容词+可数名词复数形式+主语+谓语! 例如:What good teachers they are!(他们是多么好的老师啊!) What beautiful flowers these are!(这些是多么美丽的花啊!) 4. What + 形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语! 例如: What thick ice we are having here! (我们这儿的冰多厚啊!) What round bread it is! (这是一块多么圆的面包啊!) 二、用 how 开头的感叹句也有三种句式,此时, how 是副词,用作状语,修饰后面的形容词、副词或动词。  1. How +形容词+主语+谓语! 例如:How hot it is today! (今天天气多热啊!)  How beautiful the flowers are! (这些花多么美丽啊!) 2. How +副词+主语+谓语! 例如:How hard he works! (他工作多么努力啊!) How well she sings! (她歌唱得多好啊!) 典型例题: 1) food you are cooked! A.How a nice B.What a nice C.How nice D.How a 解析:由于How修饰形容词、副词; What修饰名词。且food为不可数名词,因此排除A,B.C How +adj后面不能再加名词,因此正确答案为D D 2) terrible weather we have been having these day ! A. What B. What a C. How D.How a 解析:weather 为不可数名词,B、D排除。How+adj.后不应有名词。只有A符合句型What + 形容词+不可数名词!因此正确答案为A A 感叹句记忆口诀 感叹句,并不难,what与how应在前。 形容词、副词跟着how,what后面名词连。 名词若是可数单,前带冠词a或an。 主语、谓语放后面,省略它们也常见。 二、感叹句训练。 (一)用 “what”或“how”将相应的句子改为感叹句。 1、Wu Peng jumps high! ____ high Wu Peng jumps! 2、It’s an interesting film. ____ an interesting film it is! 3、 The sun is bright. ____ bright the sun is! 4、The book is very interesting. ____ interesting the book is! How What How How 5、He writes English well. ____ well he writes English! 6、 It‘s a tall tree. ____a tall tree it is! 7、 He is a fat man. ____a fat man he is! How What What (二)、 将下列句子改为感叹句,注意what, how的使用及词序: l. The classroom is clean. (how) 2. The elephant


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