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Nathaniel Hawthorne Novelist Short Story Writer Central Figure of American Renaissance Major Works Two collections of short stories: Twice-told Tales 《故事重述》,1837 + Mosses from an Old Manse 《古宅青苔》, 1843 ★The Scarlet Letter 《红字》,1850 Major Works The House of the Seven Gables,《七个尖角阁的房子》,1851 The Blithedale Romance 《福谷传奇》,1852 The Marble Faun 《大理石雕像》, 1860 The Scarlet Letter Background Characters Puritanism Background The setting of The Scarlet Letter is Boston in the 1640s. Persecuted(迫害) in England, the puritans came to north America to form their new communities. Life in the colonies was harsh(严酷的), but which gave the Puritans the opportunity to form a society based on their religious ideals. Puritans sought the freedom to live by their beliefs. They paid attention to reason, rejected feeling, praised ideal and prohibited desire. But with their development, they not only persecuted heresy, but also imprisoned the women who smiled on the street. The Scarlet Letter narrated a loving tragedy under the puritan colonial rule. Puritanism Puritanism originated from England and manifested itself in many ways in British North American colonies. Although they formed essential elements of religious norms for behavior, “justification by grace through faith”(因信称义), “the idea of calling”(天职思想), “a city upon a hill”(山巅之城), the core convictions of Puritanism, dispelled to a large extent the bondage of the tradition of mainstream church on the mind and deed of people. They quickened the process of social secularization, promoted individual emancipation and played an important role in helping to establish modern ideas about labor, occupation and wealth, sketch the goal for the nation to pursue in future with religious ideal. Laying the foundation of the WASP cultural values, they molded the national character of todays America.  清教主义起源于英国,在北美殖民地得以实践与发展。其因信称义、天职思想、山颠之城等核心理念,虽然构成宗教行为规范要素,却在很大程度上起到了消解禁锢人们思想与行为的主流教会传统的作用,促进了社会世俗化进程,在早期的美国,推动了个性解放,促成建立现代劳动、职业和财富观,以宗教的理想勾勒出国家未来追求的目标。它们


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