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基于单片机的交流电机变频调速系统的设计 【摘要】本课题主要是研究电压型三相交流SPWM变频技术的基本原理、实现方法及软硬件设计,完成系统的软硬件设计。要求完成内容主要有:1、2、3、4、(SPWM)(PWM)(PWM)MCS51系列的单片微机控制PWM。 传统的交流变频调速系统由正弦波和锯齿波相交产生所需的脉宽调制波实现恒压额比的变频调速控制。这种系统由于采用模拟控制,设备复杂、调整困难,且控制精度低,可靠性差,因而限制了这种系统的应用。与上述传统的系统相比,本系统具有如下特点:采用新型大规模专用集成电路产生脉宽调制波,使波形稳定,精度和可靠性显著增加。以单片机8031CPU为核心的全数字控制.电路简单,调整迅速,进一步提高了控制精度。 【关键词】电压型三相PWM整流器;变频调速;单片机;交流电机 【ABSTRACT】 Focus is Studying SPWM three-phase voltage-type AC inverter with the fundamental principles in this paper, and designing the methods and software and hardware, and complete system software and hardware. The main completion on: 1.the basic principles of VVVF technology 2. the basic principles of Frequency Control, 3.the control scheme for the 4.software and hardware design. The main relevant knowledge: power electronics and motion control, computer control. Under normal circumstances in exchange for motor asynchronous speed machine, its complicated control circuits, the systems efficiency is low. SCM using computer control the exchange of asynchronous motor Frequency Control System that has greatly simplified control circuit, the use of SPWM (SPWM) drive, the system has improved efficiency. Induction Motor Frequency Control, in the actual use of pulse width modulation (PWM), and completed FM Surge two functions. To achieve single-chip microprocessor (PWM) to control can adjust flexibly, to simplify circuit. This design by the MCS51 series of single-chip microprocessor achives PWM control。 The traditional exchange of Frequency Control System from the intersection of a sine wave and the sawtooth PWM wave of constant pressure to achieve than the frequency for arrest control. As a result of this analog control system, equipment complex and difficult adjustment, and low-precision control, reliability poor, thus limiting the application of such a system. With the traditional systems, this system has the following characteristics: a new type of large-scale ASIC PWM wave, the wave stability, accuracy and reli


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