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Language points Lessons 26-27 (be)at war 处于战争/交战状态 The USA then declared that it was at war with that country. When he came back, he found that his country was at war. desert vt. 抛弃,遗弃,脱离;(在需要的时候)失去 adj. /n. 沙漠;荒无人烟的 · The hunter deserted his injured comrades. When he had to speak to the headteacher, his courage suddenly deserted him. The rest of the territory is mostly desert. He was living on a desert island. fall to pieces 垮台,崩溃,倒塌, 解体 After the death of Napoleon, his empire began to fall to pieces. The old building fell to pieces in the war. They deserted their organization and it fell to pieces. last (for)+一段时间.持续/延续一段时间 The film will last (for) three hours. The meeting lasted too long for us to sit still. lay down 放下;铺 ;制订,规定 lay down one’s life 牺牲生命 lay down ones arms 放下武器 The young mother laid the baby down gently on the bed. The guest laid down his knife and fork with a look of complete satisfaction. These price limits are laid down by the government. The conference will lay down the proper measures and methods. very few=only a few=only a very few 很少/极少 quite a few=a good few=many 好些/相当多 not a few=many 不少/相当多 waiting to be replaced 现在分词作伴随状语 She finished all her work feeling relaxed. He sat in a chair reading newspapers. replace= take the place of vt. 代替、取代 John will replace Bill in the team. Can anything replace a mothers love and care? We have replaced slave labour with/by machines. Mr A will replace Mr B as president. A先生将代替B先生任总裁。 watch over 查看,照看,负责;看守,监视等 ①I am his best friend, and I will always watch over him. ② They were watched over by three policemen. protect sb./sth. from /against… 保护某人/某物免受… You should wear your sunglasses to protect your eyes against/from sunlight. The air conditioner is covered with a piece of metal board, which protects it from water. besides adv. (=moreover=in addition)还有,而且。通常置于句首。 prep. 除…之外,还有… I don’t want to go out now


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