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摘要:本文的研究对象是美国电影台词的语言特点和文化内涵。通过对大量美国电影经典台词的分析,让大家对台词在电影中占据的重要作用有所了解,从而让大家能通过电影这个优秀的媒介更好地学习英语。 笔者认为学习一门语言离不开对其所承载的文化的深刻理解,学习英语也是如此。而要了解西方国家的文化,最有效,最直观的办法莫过于电影欣赏了。而其中的台词更是一面文化的镜子,能够让我们对西方社会的方方面面产生深刻的了解。电影台词是电影重要的以部分。它是电影与观众沟通的媒介,是电影表达其中心思想的窗口;它源于生活,反映生活。美国英语是英语世界中最具代表性的,而美国电影又是英语电影的翘楚,所以对美国电影台词语言特点及其文化内涵的研究不仅最具有代表性,而且能极大的促进英语学习者的学习。 全文分为五个部分,第一部分是概论,主要介绍本人用举例分析的方法进行研究以及选择研究美国电影台词这个课题的原因。第二部分,通过对美国电影背景介绍及台词的分析,概括其语言的特征。第三部分,分析美国电影台词对电影人物的表现。第四部分,通过对电影《阿甘正传》中台词的分析简要说明美国电影台词对美国民族个性的反映。第五部分,通过总结,力图给众多电影爱好者指出一些观影过程中的应注意的事项,及为广大英语学习者指出有效的方法。 关键词:阿甘正传;语言特征;民族个性 On Language Features of Gump in Forrest Gump Abstract Among people living in language, the human ways of thinking and behavior are subject to language. The language is usually metaphorical. The movie "Forrest Gump" in the dialogue, as Forrest Gump IQ and childhood growth environment for special reasons, forming a distinctive view of the non-metaphorical language. The research object of this paper is the features of American movie and culture connotation of American movie. Through the analysis on classic movie lines, author tries to let readers get a brief understanding on the importance of movie lines, So that can better use movie as a tool of learning English. It’s wildly admitted that “One can not really master a country’s language without knowing its culture”, it is also true in English learning. Watching movie must be the most effective way to learn western culture. Especially the movie lines, they are the media that the movie communicate with the audiences, they are like a mirror of the country’s people and their culture. Nowadays, American English is the most representative in the English world, and America’s movie industry is the most developed in the world, so the research on the language of American movie would be of great help in English studying. There are five chapters in this paper. Chapter one is the introduction of the theory I use in the paper and the reason I choose in this thesis. Chapter two, I w


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