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DOI :10.13327/j.jjlau.2001.03.019
吉林农业大学学报 2001, 23(3):72~77
J ournal of J ilin Agr icu lt ur al Un iversi ty
1 1 1 1 2
王继红 , 赵兰坡 , 王 宇 , 郄瑞卿 , 王世军
(1.吉林农业大学资源与环境学院, 吉林长春 130118;2.四平辽河农垦管理区农机局, 吉林
四平 136507)
:以吉林省3 种主要的 作土壤为供试样品, 采用傅积平等改进的丘林胶散分组法分离复合体。 试验
结果表明:胶散复合体的总量以黑钙土最低, 平均为 134 g/kg;白浆土与黑土相近, 分别为434 g/kg 和
435 g/kg。粘粒含量是影响复合体含量的重要因素, 复合体的含量与土壤性质间有明显的相关关系。 土壤有
机碳在各组复合体的分布量, 主要取决于复合体本身的相对含量。
:S153.6 :A :1000-5684(2001)03-0072-06
Study on the Composition of Organic- ineral Complex of
ajor Cultivated Soil from Jilin Province
1 1 1 1 2
WANG Ji-hong , ZHAO Lan-po , WANG Yu , QIE Rui-qing , WANG Shi-jun
(1.Col lege of Resource and E nv ironment S cience, J il in Ag ricul tura l University , Changchun ,
J il in 130118, Ch ina ;2.B ureau of Ag ricul tura l Mach inary , L iaohe R iver Land -reclaimat ion
Management R eg ion , S ip ing ,J il in 136507, Ch ina )
Abstract:The composition of organo-mineral complex of three kinds of cultivated soil collected
from Jinlin Province was examined.Theorganic-mineral complex of soil sampleswas groupedus-
ing colloid grouping method described by Qiulin and modified by Fujiping.Results showed that
the total content of organic-mineral complex was the lowest in Chemozem, averaging 134 g/kg
and was similarinAlbicsoil andblack soil, with averages of 434g/kg and435 g/kg, respective-
ly.Theclay content is an important factoraffecting complex content.Soilproperty was correlated
with the complex content.The distribution of organic C in a complex mainly depends on relative
content of the complex in the soil.
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