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27 2 Vol. 27 No. 2 2010 12 EUCALYPT SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY Dec. 2010 尚秀华, 谢耀坚 , 彭 彦 (, 52 022) : , , , , , EC 6: , C/ N T 0. 5 : ; ; ; : S141. 4 :A Stud on Com ostin Techni ue of Mixed Sawdust and Rice y p g q Husk as Media SHANG Xiu- hua, XIE Yao- ian, PENG Yan j ( China Eucal t Research Centre , Zhan ian 52 022, Guan don , China) yp j g g g A stract: Decom osition results of sawdust and rice husk mixed materials b sin le- factor test desi n p y g g were researched.The results showed that the composting of sawdust and rice husk mixtures could achieve hi her tem erature, and h sical and chemical ro erties of decom osition media were im roved, and g p p y p p p p soluble su ar were decom osed shar l , and cellulose contents decreased and EC value reduced. Saw g p p y dust and rice husk with ratio of 6: were decomposed more thoroughly. T value of C/ N ratio should be less than 0. 5 while or anic waste com ostin were finished. g p g Ke words: sawdust; rice husk; com ostin ; media y p g , , , , [1] , , , , [2] , [ 3] [ 1] , , , , [ ]


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