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414 V o l. 41, N o. 4 20077 A t omic Ener gy Science and T echno logy J uly 2007 30%TBP/ HNO3 毕 升, 景 山, 吴秋林, 陈 靖 ( , 10220 1) 100 mm 30 % T BP1 mol/ L HN O3 ( ) ( ) ( ) , , ; ; , , ; ; ; T Q0283 A 1000693 1( 2007) 0404 1006 Hydrodynamics Characteristics of 30%TBPKerosene/ Nitric Acid Solution in Discs and Dou hnuts Pulsed Extraction Column BI Sheng, J IN G Sh an, W U Q iulin , CH EN Jing (Institute of N uclear Energy and New Energy Technology , Tsinghua University , Beij ing 10220 1, China) Abstract: T he eff ect s o f the pulsed amplit u de, pulsed f requ ency , f low velocit y and f low ratio and t he plat e spacing o n t he hydrodynam ics ch aract er ist ics, su ch as f loo ding thro ug ho ut , flo odingho ldup and holdup w ere st u died f or 30 % T BPkerosene/ H N O3 solut ion in a 100 mmdiam et er discs and do ug hnuts pulsed ext ract ion column. Ex peri m ent al result s show th at f looding t hroughout increases w it h t he decreasing o f pulsat ion int ensit y and is independent of flo w r at io and plat e sp acing ; t he eff ect s o f op er at ion paramet er and plate sp acing o n f loodingholdup can be neglected; the ho ldup is in pr o port ion t o t he flow rat e of t he co nt inuou s ph ase and t he f low rat io , and increases w it h the increasing of pulsed am plit u de and plat e spacing. Based o n t he present ed dat a, em p irical corr elat ion s for f looding t hroughout and t he holdup are g iv en . Key words: discs and doughnut s pulsed ex tr act io n column ; hydr ody namics; f loo ding


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