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物理学(第二卷)(英文) 【古希腊】亚里士多德 著 辽宁电子图书有限责任公司 物理学(第二卷)(英文) 【古希腊】亚里士多德 著 辽宁电子图书有限责任公司 2004年7月第23版 开本:850 ×1168毫米 1/32 ISBN L-YY-00034/O4-091定价:15 Book IV 1 THE physicist must have a knowledge of Place, too, as well as of the infinite-namely, whether there is such a thing or not, and the manner of its existence and what it is-both because all suppose that things which exist are somewhere (the non-existent is nowhere--where is the goat-stag or the sphinx?), and because motion in its most general and primary sense is change of place, which we call locomotion. The question, what is place? presents many difficulties. An examination of all the relevant facts seems to lead to divergent conclusions. Moreover, we have inherited nothing from previous thinkers, whether in the way of a statement of difficulties or of a solution. The existence of place is held to be obvious from the fact of mutual replacement. Where water now is, there in turn, when the water has gone out as from a vessel, air is present. When therefore another body occupies this same place, the place is thought to be different from all the bodies which come to be in it and replace one another. What now contains air formerly contained water, so that clearly the place or space into which and out of which they passed was something different from both. Further, the typical locomotions of the elementary natural bodies-namely, fire, earth, and the like-show not only that place is something, but also that it exerts a certain influence. Each is carried to its own place, if it is not hindered, the one up, the other down. Now these are regions or kinds of place-up and down and the rest of the six directions. Nor do such distinctions (up and down and right and left, c.) hold only in relation to us. To us they are not always the


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