民办高校教师权利保障问题研究 毕业论文.doc

民办高校教师权利保障问题研究 毕业论文.doc

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民办高校教师权利保障问题研究 毕业论文

摘 要 改革开放以来,中国的民办高等教育事业取得了令人瞩目的成绩。民办高校教师作为民办高校可持续发展的极为重要的一支力量,其合法权利的保障虽然在理论上得到了一定的重视,但在现实操作中,他们的合法权利却没有得到真正的保障。民办高校教师的合法权利常常受到侵犯,申诉无门,救济不畅,维权部门形同虚设,相关机构缺乏监管,可依据的法律政策又过于笼统缺乏可操作性。有鉴于此,本文从以下四个方面对民办高校教师权利保障问题展开了研究。 第一部分,从相关概念入手,论述了民办高校教师权利的含义及其内容,按教师身份归属不同将民办高校教师权利分为基本权利和职业权利;根据权利自身属性不同,将其分为精神权利和物质权利。 第二部分,阐述了当前民办高校教师权利保障的基本现状及其存在的问题,分析了导致民办高校教师权利保障不力的种种原因,包括:观念意识的落后;法律制度的不健全;社保及人事制度的不完善;民办高校内部权利制衡机制的缺失与维权机构的虚设;财力资源的严重短缺等等。 第三部分,主要通过借鉴美国和日本私立高校教师权利保障的成功经验,揭示出其对我国民办高校教师权利保障的种种启示。 第四部分,就民办高校教师权利保障问题提出了一系列对策建议:建立健全关于民办高校教师权利的法律法规保障体系;构建民办高校教师权利保障的制度体系;探索适合我国民办高校教师特点的社会保险、养老保险、医疗保险以及商业保险制度;构建民办高校内教师权利保障的组织体系;提高民办高校教师自我维权的主动性,加强维权意识和提高维权能力。 关键词:民办高校教师;权利保障;保障体系 Abstract Since the reform and opening-up, private higher education of china develops very fast and have achieved remarkable achievements, in which the teachers are seen as a very important source. theoretically, they are highly valued, but in the real life, their legal rights are not properly met and guaranteed . Teacher’s legal rights in the private college are usually subjected to invasion and they have no place to report and can not be relieved smoothly. the section of maintaining the rights is unreal, the related organizations lack monitoring, law and policy which are based are so general as to lack maneuverability. Owing to this kind situation, this paper focuses on the study of the guaranteeing teacher’s rights in private college from four perspectives. The first part states the meaning and contents of teacher’s rights in private college from the related concept which are divided into two kinds----basic rights and professional rights according to teacher’s status; spiritual rights and material rights according to their attribute. The second part outlines the current situation of protection of teacher’s rights guaranteeing in private college, analyzes various reasons that cause bad protection of rights guaranteeing in private college, including backward of idea and consciousness; disfunctional law syste


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