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摘要 复合机床己成为机床产品发展趋势之一,作为机床中占有相当比重的车床与铣床如果 能够结合起来,无疑将大大提高机床的加工范围和工作效率,提高加工精度等等。自上个世纪车铣复合加工机床诞生以来,这类机床得到了飞速的发展并得到了广泛的应用。 本文设计了一种通用型数控五轴联动车铣复合加工机床,并完成了对XYZ进给系统的PRO-E三维建模。 机床车削主轴采用主轴电机直联联轴器的方式,通过一级变速驱动主轴。铣削主轴采用电主轴直接驱动使其具有较强的铣削加工能力和很好的可控制性。它的铣削部分可实现X、Y、Z三个方向直线进给以及A、C两个摆角转动的联动,同时铣削电主轴采用HSK-A63刀柄自动装夹系统,从而既可以装夹车刀进行车削,也可以装夹铣刀进行铣削。X,Y进给系统采用直线电机进给,Z轴进给采用滚珠丝杠。A、C双摆铣头采用内装力矩电机驱动。 关键词 数控;车铣复合机床;五轴联动 Abstract Multiple machine tools have been becoming a tendency. As the two important kinds of Machine tool,if the turning machine and the milling machine can be joined, it must be helpful for a machine tool to broaden the range of work., raise the availability , improve the working accuracy, and so on. This paper?designed a?universal?NC Five-axis?turn-mill?machine tools, And completed the?machine?PRO-E?3D modeling. Turning Spindle??of the machine tool?use a spindle motor?to drive the?belt?directly. Because the turning spindle is also a C-axis?with?precision, it can provide an accurate angle for milling. The milling principal axis is an electricity principal axis,so it has stronger milling process capability and good controllability. Its milling system can carry out X, Y and Z three directions of allied move, the milling principal axis can also carry out to move with uniting of milling principal axis at the same time. thus the machine has more complicated process capability out of the simple turning and milling . The carry system adopts servo dynamo to directly drive silk Gang. In this way it wipe - out the change of the drive compares’ impact to the accuracy. Keywords  NC; turn-mill machine; Five-axis 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………I Abstract……………………………………………………………II 第一章 绪论……………………………………………………….1 1.1车铣复合加工机床的发展……………………………….1 1.2车铣复合加工机床特点及其发展……………………….3 第二章 机床设计方案分析及确定………………………………..4 2.1机床整体布局方案分析及确定………………………….4 2.2进给系统方案分析及确定……………………………….5 2.2.1伺服进给系统的基本要求………………………..5 2.2.2进给伺服系统的设计要求………………………..6 2.2.3驱动方案分析及确定……………………………..7 2.2.4传动方案分析及确定……………………………..7 2.3车削主轴系统方案分析及确定…………………………


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