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2 6 Vo.l 2 No. 6 2008 12 JOURNAL OFM ICROWAVES Dec. 2008 : 1005-6122( 2008) 06-0051-05 915MHz* 宋立众 马 宁 吴 群 ( , 150001) : RFID , ISO / IEC18000-6 RFID 915MH z, ; , 915MH z, 2. 15dB,i 1. 5 78MH z, 8% ; , , , , : , , , Analysis and Design for aKind ofPrinted Dipole Antenna Used at915MHz SONG Li-z ong, MA N ing, WU Qun (PostdoctoralR esearch Station of E lectronics Science and Technology, H arbin Institute of T echnology, H arbin 150001, China) Abstract: Rad io frequency identification ( RFID) techn ique isw idely used in m any fields because it has a lot of good perform ances such as sm all size, large memory space. For the reflection m odulation FRID system, a kind of printed dipole antenna based on the ISO / IEC18000-6 standard and its optmi um design m ethod is described. F irstly, the structure and s ize of the prin ted d ipole antenna used at 915MH z are des igned; the equ ivalent circuitm odel and specific designed size and smi u- lation results are given. Second ly, a b ranch line structure is used to realize the m inmi ization of the antenna, the gain of the designed antenna is 2. 15dB i at 915MH z, the bandw idth w as about 78MH z when the voltage stand ing w ave ratio is less than 1. 5, the size is reduced m ore than 8% compared to the original one. F inally, the above printed d ipole antennasw ere smi u- lated under the cond ition of the cylindrical surface conform ab ility w ith som e different radius and the resu lts revealed that the perform ance of the an tenna w as still acceptab le, so it can be used under som e conform al cond itions such as m issile surface. K ey words: Radio frequency iden tification, Printed dipole tag, M i


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