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第一部分 固始县银升焊接材料有限公司 固始县银升焊接材料有限公司是专业生产铝和铝合金焊丝、不锈钢焊丝的综合性企业。公司成立于2012年,总投资4000万元,坐落于风景秀丽的九华山脚下,河南省固始县史河湾产业集聚区。地理位置优越,交通便利,处于河南.安徽和湖北三省交界,离沪陕高速出口500米,距离合肥新桥国际机场80公里。 公司在生产的“银升牌”铝焊丝广泛运用于石油化工、船舶、车辆工程、航空、电力建设、高层建筑、核工业等领域。 公司注重产品的研发和创新,拥了先进的生产、实验、检测设备。具备了从熔炼、拉拔、热处理、剥削、切断、层绕的一整套生产工艺。这也使得公司拥有更长久的生命力和活力。 我们将继续秉承“诚信守约、质量第一”的发展宗旨,以“追求卓越、尽善尽美”的服务态度为国内外客户提供最优质的产品和服务。 GUSHI YINGSHENG WEDLING MATERIALS CO.Ltd GUSHI YINGSHENG WEDLING MATERIALS CO.Ltd is a comprehensive enterprise specialized in RD and production of aluminum and aluminum alloy welding wires and rods. The company was founded in 2012, with a total investment of 6 million $.The company has substantial technical strength, a full set of inspection methods, which makes the quality of our products stable all the time. YISHENG Welding Materials are widely applied to national economy, such as shipping, bridges, railways, locomotive vehicles, petroleum,chemical industry, metallurgy, high-rise buildings, all kinds of mechanical manufacture and so on。 The company holds a vast marketing network, enabling customers to select and purchase our Welding Materials of high quality and low pricesat any time. We can also produce and deliver welding materials according to the customers requests. Furthermore, in professional departments we have many engineers and technicians, who can provide consultation service for the customers upon welding technology and selection of welding materials.WE will provide the best quality and after-sales service to for customers at home and abroad Mission statement: No end in pursuing high quality ,NO flaw in serving our clients. Al 1070 铝硅焊丝 *生产标准 AWS/ASTM A5.10M:2012 EN ISO 18273:2004 *性能特点 纯铝焊丝,相当于HS301,铝含量≥99.7%;该焊接材料具有极好的抗腐蚀性能,优良的导热、导电性能以及极好的可加工性能,焊缝成形美观光亮、电弧稳定、飞溅小。在阳极处理后具有很好的颜色配比性。 *化学成分 元素 Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti 其它 Al 标准 ≤0.20 ≤0.25 ≤0.04 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.04 ≤0.03 —— ≧99.7 *物理性质 熔化范围647-658℃. 体


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