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購買奢侈包仿冒品的認知失調--以台北市民為例 Exploring the Cognitive Dissonance of Luxury Bag Counterfeit Purchasing --A Case for Taipei Citizens 盧京灧 (Jing Yan ,Lu) 、黃郅雯(Chih Wen ,Huang) 輔仁大學 大眾傳播研究所碩士生 摘要 人們對於購物的慾望來自於追求新鮮感,炫耀性的心理因素,是消費者購買奢侈包的 動機之一。透過購買奢侈包作為顯示社經地位、追求時尚的行為,在現今社會無所不在。 當正版奢侈包的高價位與限量的行銷模式,吸引廣大消費族群,讓多數消費者渴望擁有時, 對於經濟能力不足的消費者,奢侈包仿冒品的存在,能夠讓消費者以低成本的經濟效益, 達到擁有奢侈包的滿足感。然而,消費者在購買奢侈包仿冒品的過程中,是否會因為擔心 被發現是仿冒品,產生內心的矛盾感,或是對於仿冒品和正版品認知上的差異,造成認知 失調的狀態,而在這樣的心理狀態下,消費者又如何減輕這種失調,是本文欲探討的。本 文援用Festinger所提出的認知失調理論,採質性研究之深度訪談,以台北市民為訪談對象, 欲探究消費者在購買奢侈包仿冒品時,所產生認知不一致的現象 ,並試圖找尋購買奢侈包 仿冒品的動機。 關鍵詞:認知失調、購買動機、奢侈包仿冒品、深度訪談 。 Abstract People for shopping desire is from the pursuit of novelty ,conspicuous psychological factors ,is one of the motives of consumers to buy luxury bags. Through the purchase of luxury bags as a show of social status ,the pursuit of fashion behavior ,in todays society is ubiquitous. When the genuine luxury brand use high price and limited marketing strategy ,it will attract the majority of consumer groups. Luxury bags counterfeit exist can fill consumers who eager to have a luxury bags but have not enough capacity of economic to achieve the satisfaction with low cost. However ,consumers who purchase the luxury package counterfeit goods in the process ,whether they feel fear of being found to be counterfeit goods ,and resulting in inner conflict. Also for counterfeit goods and genuine differences in cognitive ,resulting in cognitive disorders ,and in this state of mind ,how can the consumers reduce this disorder ,is the study want to explore. In this mental state ,how consumers to reduce this disorder will be explore in this study. This study adopts the theory of cognitive dissonance by Festinger ,depth-interview for Taipei citizens ,exploring the phenom


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