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    海 洋 石 油   ·112 ·      OFFSHORE OIL   2008 6 :1008-2336 (2008)02-0112-04 1 2 3 2 1 祝效华, 朱虎军, 司念亭, 左 凯 , 童 华 (1 , 6 10500;2., 300450; 3., 300450)  :通过全井钻柱系统动力学模型和计算软件, 以 已实施水平井为例, 计算了井口至不同井段的动态摩阻扭矩, 根 据计算结果初步设计了多种减阻工具安放方案, 完成了不同安放方案动态摩阻扭矩的计算与分析, 通过分析发现动力学 计算方法能较好地反应摩阻扭矩的波动情况;具体井况中减阻工具的安放数量存在 一个临界值, 并非越多越好;安放位 置必须经过对比计算确定, 合理的安放位置不仅可以有效降低摩阻, 而且可以减少安放工具数量。 文中的钻柱系统动力 学特性分析技术可以为减阻工具选型及安放位置优化提供有力的支撑。 :;;;; :T E21    :A Ef fect calculation and analysis of rod drag and torque reducing tool s 1 2 3 2 1 Zhu Xiaohua , Zhu Hujun , Si Nianting , Zuo kai , Tong Hua (1.E lectrom echan ical E ng ineering College of S WP U, Cheng du 610500;2.CN OOC Oil B ase Group L td .S up ervision T echnology Co., T ian in 300450;3.CN OOC D rilling D ep artmen t, T ian in 300450) Abstract:Bas d on drill string dynamics th ory and syst m simulation softw ar , th horizontal w lls dy - namic drag and torqu w r studi d.According to th calculation r sult, th pap r d sign d thr optional d sign cas s and finish d its calculation and analy sis.Som valuabl r organizations w as gain d such as this dynamics m thod can r fl ct th fluctuation of drag and torqu , th tool numb r has a marginal valu and is not th mor th b tt r, and prop r location must b obtain d through th sci ntific computation.Th drill string dynamics softw ar can provid support for choosing th location of friction r duc r. Key words:drag and torqu r ducing tools;drag and torqu ;quantitativ calculation;prop r location;drill string dynamics   , 。 [ 1] , 、 , , () 。



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