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Accor Plus Terms and Conditions 雅高A 佳会员协议条款与细则 Product Name: Standard Product Plus (available only through telesales channel) 产品名称:标准产品(仅在电话销售渠道出售) Product Code: 003/2017 产品代码:003/2017 Effective Date: July 2017 生效日期:2017 年7 月 1. Introduction 引言 1.1 These terms and conditions (Terms) govern the Accor Plus membership program operated by AAPC Singapore Pte Ltd (Accor) Company registration number 199704951Z, a member of Accor Group. 本条款与细则 (“条款”)适用于雅高酒店集团成员,AAPC Singapore Pte Ltd (“Accor ”)(公司注册编号为199704951Z)运营的雅高A 佳会员计 划。 1.2 These Terms apply to Accor Plus members subscribed through the Accor Plus telesales channel. 本条款适用于通过雅高A 佳电话销售渠道购买雅高A 佳卡的会员。 1.3 These Terms are effective as at the effective date specified above, and may be amended by Accor from time to time in accordance with clause 13. 本条款自上述生效日期起生效,且可由雅高根据第13 条规定适时修订。 2. Membership 会员身份 2.1 Membership in the Accor Plus program is available to any individual of adult age group who: 雅高A 佳计划的会员招募适用于任何成人,只需: (a) pays the full membership fee, in the applicable local currency, 使用当地货币支付全部会员费; 1 (b) provides valid and accurate personal information when enrolling in the Accor Plus program; 加入雅高A 佳计划时提供有效和准确个人信息; (c) is not already a member of the Accor Plus program; and 还不是雅高A 佳现任会员;和 (d) has not previously been terminated from the Accor Plus program (unless Accor has expressly agreed to allow the previously terminated member to re-join the Accor Plus program ). 之前未被雅高A 佳计划取消会籍 (除非雅高明确同意允许之前被取消会 籍的会员重新加入雅高A 佳计划)。 2.2 The Accor Plus me


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