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大连理工大学本科毕业设计(论文) 新型超级电容器电极材料-碳化锰/碳复合材料 Novel electrode material of supercapacitor-manganese carbide/C composites 学 院(系): 化工学院 专 业:化学工程与工艺(电化学) 学 生 姓 名: 桑 超 学 号: 200548177 指 导 教 师: 刘 伟 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 大连理工大学 Dalian University of Technology 摘 要 超级电容器是一种新型高功率储能器件,相比电池,具有更大的功率密度值;相比传统的静电电容器,具有更高的能量密度;同时具有瞬间释放特大电流特性,充放电效率高、循环寿命长等特点。根据储能原理,电化学超级电容器分为双电层电容器和法拉第赝电容器。目前,对超级电容器的研究,主要集中在电极材料方面。 本文采用高温炭化的方法制备碳化锰/碳复合材料。由于复合材料的比表面积对于电极材料的容量有很大影响,本文通过改变制备复合材料过程中无水碳酸钾的质量来改变符合材料的比表面积,进而改变超级电容器的容量。在以汞/氧化汞为参比电极、铂片为辅助电极的三电极体系中,以1mol/L的KOH溶液作为电解液,用循环伏安法、恒电流充放电和交流阻抗技术来测试碳化锰/碳复合材料的电化学性能。 虽然论文对于制备高比表面积的碳化锰/碳复合材料还需要进一步的研究,但本文对于电极材料的制备和性能测试提供了一些有价值的方法,对超级电容器的研究就有一定意义。 关键词:超级电容器;碳化锰;碳;复合材料 Novel electrode material of supercapacitor-manganese carbide/C composites Abstract Supercapacitors are new energy storage devices with high power density. Compared with batteries, it has the power density of greater value. Compared with traditional static capacitor, it also has a higher energy density; at the same time with the release of large transient current characteristics, charge-discharge efficiency, and long cycle life characteristics. According to the principle of energy- storage, there are two types of capacitors: electric double-layer capacitor and faradaic pseudo-capacitor. Nowadays,studies on supercapacitors are mainly focused on the preparation of high performance electrode material. In this thesis, MnC/C composites are prepared by the methods of High-temperature carbonization. Since the specific surface area of composite materials for the electrode materials has a significant impact on the capacity, by changing amounts of K2CO3, to change the specific area of composite, and to change the capacity of the supercapacitor. In the three electrodes system, 1mol/L KOH is used as the electrolyte, Mercury-Oxidation Mercury electrode as reference electrode, and a platinu


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