N版高一(上)Module 1 Unit2 Welcome to the unit.ppt

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N版高一(上)Module 1 Unit2 Welcome to the unit

* 请插入课本第21页的四幅插图。 Unit 2 Growing pains Welcome to the unit Do you know what Growing Pains means? 1. Pains in the limbs and joints of children or adolescents, often attributed to rapid growth but arising from various unrelated causes. 发育时儿童或青少年腿部或关节的疼痛,常归因于快速的发育,但常因多种无关因素而产生。 Definition: 2. Emotional difficulties that occur during adolescence. 青少年时期出现的感情紊乱。 Discussion Are you suffering from growing pains, physically or mentally? Would you like to stay with your parents in your spare time? Do you think you show respect to your parents? Discussions: 4.Do you often quarrel with your parents? 5.Why do arguments usually happen? Things I like while my parents hate: Activities my parents like while I hate. Computer games RB Chat on line Study all the time Doing housework Pop music Go shopping Comic books Pop stars Hip hop Attending classes in holidays Generation gap Growing pains Do you know about the play ? Do you think that your parents try to force you to spend your spare time doing things you don’t like? 2. When you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to? 3. Can you describe an experience with your parents that was not pleasant. Questions: Language points 1. turn up ①把 ……开大点。如: Turn up the radio a little. I can hardly hear the program. ②出现, 露面。如: I was expecting him at ten, but he didn’t turn up. ③卷起, 竖起,翻耕。如: Turn up your trouser legs so that they won’t get wet. 2. by prep. ①不迟于,到……时。 如: Can you finish the work by tomorrow? They were tired out by evening. ②指时间,在某种情况延续期间,相当 于during。如: The enemy attacked by night. ③表示“按……” 。如: The workers are paid by the hour/the day. 3.waste ①[U]/n 表示浪费,废物,废料。如: Where there is too much waste, it will do harm to us and things around. It is a waste of time and money to play computer games. ② vt. 浪费 如: We must not wa


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