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(Stock Code 股份代號 : 1818) ZHAOJIN MINING INDUSTRY COMPANY LIMITED* 招金礦業股份有限公司 (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) Annual Report 2011 年報 * For identification purposes only * 僅供識別 Inherit gold veins for thousands of years means that Zhaojin, coming down in one continuous line with the history of Chinese gold civilization of thousands of years, works hard all the way and elaborately paints a magnificent gold scroll painting. As the river of time never stops, we will carry forward our cause and forge ahead into the future and scale new heights, constantly adding more splendidness for the scroll painting. Spread benevolence throughout the world means that Zhaojin advocates benevolence and emphasizes uprighteousness. Being broad-minded, benevolent, all-embracing, we ceaseless absorb the quintessence from the world and promote the progress and development of Zhaojin. Meanwhile, being magnanimous, forthright, righteousness-and-profit-balanced, we make friends throughout the world, creating value and sharing growth altogether. 金脈承千年 招金,和中國數千年黃金文明一脈相承, 帶著濃鬱的歷史氣息一路拼搏, 精心地描繪著一幅壯美的黃金畫卷。 時間的河流永不停歇,我們繼往開來、 勇攀高峰,不斷為這幅長卷增添更多精彩。 仁義結天下 招金,崇仁而重義。我們胸懷寬廣、厚德仁愛、 兼收並蓄,不斷汲取世間精華,推動企業進步和發展。 我們豁達豪爽、義利並舉、勇闖天涯, 不斷結交天下朋友,共創價值、共享成長。 cONTENTS 2 Corporate Information 4 Corporate Profile 5 Financial Summary 6 Corporate Structure 8 Chairman’s Statement 10 Management Discussion and Analysis 21 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Profile 28 Report of the Directors 52 Corporate Governance Report 78 Corporate Social Responsibility 81 Report of the Supervisory Committee 84 Independent Auditors’ Report 86 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income


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