新人修一 Unit4 Earthquakes-Language points[课件].ppt

新人修一 Unit4 Earthquakes-Language points[课件].ppt

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新人修一 Unit4 Earthquakes-Language points[课件]

* Unit 4 Earthquake Reading Language points 1 imagine vt.想象 认为某事可能发生或存在 imagination n. 想象 imagine doing sth. 想象做某事 他是一个充满想象的人 He is a man full of imagination. I can’t imagine ________around the world on foot.(travel) travelling 2 right away 立刻 马上 at once immediately 我们必须马上开始这项工作 We must begin the work right away. right now in no time shake sb’s hand /shake hands with sb 握手/ shake one’s head摇头 3.shake shook, shaken 摆动 ,摇动 I was shaking like a leaf (= very nervous) before my exam. He is shaking hands with Tim 4 rise vi. (指日月星辰等的)升起,上升 rose risen n.增加 增长 起伏 raise vt. 抬高 提高 养育 饲养 e.g The sun rises at seven o’clock. e.g He rose from his chair and began his speech. e.g There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work. e.g His job is raising chickens. Practice They _____ their arms and waved to us with joy. A rose B raised B smelly : smell+ y = adj. smell n./v (smelt/ smelled) 5. A ______ gas came ___ __ the cracks. smelly out of n. + y → adj. health + y→ healthy wealth + y→ wealthy wind + y→ windy 6 burst vi.vt. burst burst 使某物爆炸,胀破,爆破 burst in/into a room /building etc.突然进入(房间等) burst into sth.突然爆发burst out doing sth.突然开始做某事 他没有敲门就突然进入房间 e.g He burst into the house without knocking. e.g The plane crashed and burst into flames. 飞机坠毁起火了 e.g All of them burst out laughing/crying /singing 他们全都突然笑起来/哭起来/唱起来 e.g All of them burst into laughter/tears/song burst into sth. = burst out doing 突然…起来 7 But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. think little of these events 对这些情况几乎没有什么去考虑、没当一回事 think little of think nothing of think badly/poorly /ill of think well/much / highly/a lot/ a great deal of 对……看法不好,评价很低 不重视,忽视 认为没什么 对……重视 高度评价 校长对你的进步评价很高 e.g The headmaster thinks highly of your progress. e.g To tell you the truth, I ______________ Tom, who is very lazy and never knows what to do . think poorly of 8 It seemed as if


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