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认 识 实 习 报 告 院 别: 市政与环境工程 专 业: 给水排水工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 田长勋、肖晓存 河南城建学院 2014年 1月 1日 前言 给排水工程是用水文学和水文地质学的原理解决取水和排水的有关问题;用水力学的原理解决水的输送;用物理、化学和微生物学的原理进行水质的处理和检验。 水是一切生物生存和发展不可缺少的。水体中所含的物质非常复杂,元素周期表中的元素几乎都可在水体中找到。人类生产和生活消费活动排出的废水,尤其是工业废水、城市污水等大量进入水体造成水体污染。因此,采用废水物理处理法、废水化学处理法、废水生物处理法和废水物理化学处理法等方法进行治理,以及充分利用环境自净能力,以防止、减轻直至消除水体污染,改善和保持水环境质量,并要制定废水排放标准,合理地利用水资源,加强水资源管理,就成为水污染防治工程的主要任务 foreword Water supply and drainage engineering is water literature and hydrogeology to solve the problem of water supply and drainage; used in hydraulics principle to solve the water transportation; processing and quality inspection by the principle of physical, chemical and microbiology. Water is essential for the survival and development of all organisms. The water in the material is very complex, the elements of the periodic table almost can be found in the water. Human production and consumption activities of wastewater discharged, especially industrial waste water, city sewage into water caused by water pollution. Therefore, the wastewater physical treatment, chemical treatment of wastewater, wastewater biological treatment and physical and chemical wastewater treatment method of governance, and make full use of self purification capacity of environment, in order to prevent, reduce or eliminate water pollution, improve and maintain the water quality of the environment, and to formulate the wastewater discharge standard, rational use of water resources, strengthen the management of water resources, will become the main task of water pollution control project. The internship is constructed according to the method of water pollution control engineering in the common physical, chemical, biological treatment and treatment structures, as well as water treatment production responsibilities, work content, work requirements. The internship arranged for us to go to the new city waterworks, waterworks, a branch of Ping


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