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变革领导力 举世闻名的领导力专家 世界顶级企业领导与变革领域最权威的代言人 他的核心思想是领导与变革 出版过 《领导变革》 《变革的力量:领导与管理的差异》 《领导究竟应该做什么》 《现代企业的领导艺术》 因改革哈佛商学院研究生课程设计而受到埃克森奖 因提出企业领导的新观点而获JSK奖 因撰写最佳哈佛商业评论文章而两次获麦肯锡奖 领导的本质:领导变革! 管理 计划和预算 组织和人员配置 控制和解决问题 领导 确定方向 联合员工 激励和鼓舞 * * * * * * Timing: 1 minute Purpose Conduct the first part of an exercise that helps participants experience the impact of uncertainty What To Say I’m going to show you a series of words, and all I want you to do is read these words – read them all together as one group, as one voice – and to keep us all at the same reading pace, a big arrow will appear under each word to be read Ready…all together now…when the first arrow appears… What to Do This slide contains an AUTOMATIC BUILD (BUILD) – words (BUILD) – arrow sequence (BUILD) – after last word (to blank screen – NOTE no further slide advance required) * Timing: 1 minute Purpose Conduct the second part of an exercise that helps participants experience the impact of uncertainty What To Say Well done – the harmony was outstanding! Now I’m going to introduce some Uncertainty! It’s going to be the same words, and I still want you to do this part of the exercise as one voice, and the arrow will still appear to keep the pace… However, this time I want you to shout out the color in which the word is printed Ready…all together now…when the first arrow appears… ? What to Do This slide contains an AUTOMATIC BUILD (BUILD) – words (BUILD) – arrow sequence Transition Uncertainty, confusion, ambiguity seriously impacted performance, productivity – as well as teamwork! * * Well done – the harmony was outstanding! Now I‘m going to introduce some Change …and Uncertainty! It‘s going to be the same words, and I still want you to do this part of the exercise as one voice, and the arrow will still appear to keep the same pace… However, this time I want you to shout out the color in which the word is printed. * * Well done – the harmony was outstanding! Now I‘m going to introduce some Chan
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