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本科生毕业设计 LED花样灯控制 系统的设计与制作 系 (部): 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2011 年 05月 摘 要 近年来,彩灯对于美化、亮化城市有着不可轻视的重要作用。因此作为城市装饰的彩灯需求量越来越大,对于彩灯技术和花样的要求也越来越高。目前市场上各种式样的LED彩灯多半是采用全硬件电路实现,电路结构复杂、功能单一本文了一简易LED的软硬件设计过程AT-89C52单片机作为主控核心与辅助硬件电路相结合,利用软件实现对LED彩灯进行控制。 本系统具有电路结构简单、操作容易、硬件少、成本低等特点。本方案以AT89S52单片机作为主控核心,与键盘、显示、驱动等模块组成控制系统。本控制系统设有3个按键和1位七段码LED显示器,根据设计要求编写10种亮灯模式,利用单片机内部定时器T2实现一个基本单位时间为1 ms的定时中断,根据各亮灯时间的不同需要,在不同时刻输出灯亮或灯灭的控制信号,然后驱动各灯亮或灭,形成不同的花样。 关键词:LED彩灯,AT-89C52单片机,彩灯控制器 ABSTRACT In recent years, the lights for landscaping, lighting city has underestimates the important role. Accordingly, as the city of lights decorate, growing demand for lantern technology and figure demands more and more is also high. The various styles on the market at present LED lights mostly adopts full hardware circuit implementation, existing circuit structure iscomplex, single function etc limitations, so it is necessary to improve the existing lights controller. This paper introduces a kind of simple LED lights control system with thehardware and software design process, 89C52 microcontroller as the master AT - core and auxiliary hardware circuit and the software realize combining of LED lights for control. This system has a circuit is simple in structure, easy for operation, hardware and low costs less.This scheme AT89S52 SCM as the master in core, with the keyboard, display, drivers, module control system. This control system has three buttons and a seven bit code LED display, according to the design requirements write 10 kinds of light mode, internal microcontroller timer T2 achieve a basic unit time for 1 ms timing interrupt, according to the different needs of light time, in different time lights or lamp output, then drive the control signal lights or destroy all, forming different pattern. Keywords: LED lights,AT-89C52 microcontroller,Lantern controller 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 概述 1 第2章 总体方案设计与论证 2 2.1 设计要求与思路 2 2.1.1 设计要求 2 2.1.2 设计思路 2 2.2 设计


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