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中央广播电视大学第一学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语专业高级英语写作试题 Paper 1 Listening and Writing 30 points Part 1 A Short Conversation 8 points Now listen to the conversation between Mary and her father, Dr. Jones, TWICE and fill in the missing information in the gaps numbered (1) - (8). Mary: Dr. Jones: Today in biology class our teacher was saying that(1) involve many people over many years. How did she (4) smallpox vaccination? Our teacher told of him today .... he knew about Lady Montague and also had heard about (6 ) ’t catch smallpox. who had cowpox blisters on their hands but didn So in 1896, he (7) smallpox vaccine. Yes, When I was in (2) I learned about the development of smallpox vaccination .... It started in the 18th century with Lady Montage, a (3) woman. In 1817 she and her husband traveled to Turkey where she (5) smallpox. She survived but her beauty did not. .... He was successful, and his success was another (8) in the development of the safe, inexpensive, and effective smallpox vaccine used today. You have half a minute to check your answers. Part 2 Listening and Note-taking 14 points You are going to listen to a lecture about the influence of Televised Violence on Children TWICE. As you listen, complete the notes numbered (9) - (15). The influence of Televiolence on Children ↓ ↓ reasons influence ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Television producers First, aggressive The second Most children are (9) (11) effect is a learn (14) . to real would distorted . acts on television violence. Perception of but how to be Their main concern Preschoolers are the world. violent. is What Sells. In esp. affected Some children The children an effort to gain. because they are are led to


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