
优秀毕业论文--供应链方向(可借鉴 切务全盘抄袭).doc

优秀毕业论文--供应链方向(可借鉴 切务全盘抄袭).doc

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优秀毕业论文--供应链方向(可借鉴 切务全盘抄袭)

仔细检查下文章中的错别字; 有些文字表述不够清楚,语句也不够流畅; 要严格按照学院毕业论文写作规范的排版和打印格式要求排版和打印; 修改后定稿可打印。 目 录 内容摘要……………………………………………………………………1 关键词………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………1 Keywords……………………………………………………………………1 一、供应链管理的基本思想……………………………………………… 3 二、供应链环境下的核心企业…………………………………………… 3 (一)…………………………………………………………… 3 (二)21世纪面临环境主要特征………………………………………… 3 (三)供应链环境下供应链目标………………………………………… 3 三、供应链核心企业的作用……………………………………………… 4 四、供应链核心企业应具备的条件……………………………………… 6 五、供应链核心企业的形成分析………………………………………… 7 (一)…………………………………………………… 7 (二)……………………………………………… 7 (三)……………………………………………………… 10 (四)Supply chain to explore the formation of the core business Abstract:Supply chain is built around the core business, through the information flow, logistics, capital flow controls, from procurement of raw materials, intermediate products and final products are made, and finally by the sales network to deliver products to consumers in the hands of the suppliers, manufacturers , distributors, retailers, until the end-users together into a whole chain of functional network structure model. Through this paper the basic ideas of supply chain management and supply chain environment, the core business of the background analysis, then the core business of the supply chain to illustrate the role and significance, and finally focused supply chain with the formation of the core business and core conditions aspects of the business to explore how to form. Through analysis of the text, but also to a certain extent, to some domestic enterprises in the supply chain from the supply chain environment to control the bottom layer (core business) to provide some valuable changes in the proposal. Key words: Supply chain management; core business; 在国内,自供应链概念的引入,到具体的实践和发展,速度很快。管理学者和企业家们已经充分认识到竞争已不是企业与企业之间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链之间的较量。实践表明,供应键运作的好坏以及整个供应链竞争力的大小,在很大程度上取决于供应链上的核心企业的影响力。然而在供应链环境下,国内企业在供应链的整个链条中,担当的角色往往处在链条的底端。“渠道为王,终端制胜”,国内企业无论是作为供应商、制造商、分销商还是零售商的角色,总弄不好渠道,做不成终端,在链条中受制于人,因此,企业如何成长为供应链中的核心企业,实现在供应链环境下从供应链的底层向控制层(核心企业)转变是个值得探讨


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