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English for Geography 地理专业英语 Lesson 1. Longitude and latitude ………………………经度和纬度P1…………………………1 Lesson 2. Rotation and revolution of the earth… 地球的自转和公转P6 ………………2 Lesson 3. Map projections and map scale ……………地图投影与地图比例尺P10 ………5 Lesson 4. The major classes of landforms……………主要地形类型P13……………………6 Lesson 5 Delta plains …………………………………… 三角洲平原P16………………………8 Lesson 6 Limestone caverns and karst landscapes石灰岩洞和喀斯特景观P21 ………8 Lesson 7 Layers of the Earth ……………………………地球圈层P31…………………………8 Lesson 8 The rock cycle ……………………………………岩石循环P43…………………………9 Lesson 9 Soil pedogenesis …………………………………成土作用p48…………………………10 Lesson 10 Global scale circulation of the atmosphere全球大气环流 P62………………11 Lesson 11 The Hydrologic Cycle …………………………水循环P74………………………………11 Lesson 12 Three Model of Urban Land Use………………三种城市土地利用模式P97…………11 Lesson 13 Air pollution cause and effects……………空气污染原因和影响P168…………12 Lesson 14 Hurricane ……………………………………………飓风P182………………………………12 Lesson 1. LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE 经度和纬度 The location of points on the earth’s surface follows a system in which lengths of arc are measured along meridians and parallels; 测定地球表面上点的位置是按照沿着子午线(经线)和纬线测量弧长的方法进行的 that desired point 欲量算的点 the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a parallel between that place and the prime meridian 经度的定义 the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a parallel between that place and the prime meridian 某地的经度系该地与本初子午线之间的纬线的弧的度数 almost universally 几乎一致 The prime meridian is almost universally accepted as the meridian that passes through the old Royal Observatory at Greenwich 人们几乎一致承认以通过格林尼治皇家天文台原址的子午线作为本初子午线 be referred to as 被称为 Long. 115。18′02′′~ 116。56′15′′E;Lat. 23。25′10′′ ~ 24。46′30′′W梅州市 If only 只要 要是、、、、就好,但愿 e.g. If only it clear up, we’ll go. 只要天一放晴,我们就走 e.g. If only you had worked with great care. 你要是更细心一点该多好啊。 e.g. If only he arrives in time.  但愿他及时赶到 If only the longitude of a point is stated 如果只有,如果只 the same arc of measure 相同的量算弧度applies


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