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本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 对我国民间资本投资银行业的思考 学 院: 经济与工商管理学院 年 级: 专 业: 金融学 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 摘要 民间资本是中国特色的概念,近年来随着中小企业融资需求的扩大,民间资本这个曾经被人们曲解的概念越来越多的走入人们的视线。本文以民间资本投资银行业为入手点,探索当前在宏观经济背景鼓励民间资本投资的情形下,民间资本投资银行业面临的主要问题。本文的写作主要分为三个部分,首先是介绍当前民间资本投资银行业的现状,进而以系统性风险和路径变迁为理论基础分析民间资本在投资银行业过程中所面临的主要难题,最后根据查找的相关文献及国家当前政策,给出了民间资本投资银行业的合理化建议。 关键词 民间资本;银行业;系统性风险;制度变迁 Abstract Private capital is the concept of Chinese characteristics. In recent years, with the demand of enterprise financing expanding, private capital that was misled by people is causing more and more attention. In 2005, the state council issued a document called “certain opinions about encouraging and supporting the individual private and other non-public sectors of the economy development”. In 2010, another document called “some opinions about encouraging and guiding the healthy development of the private investment was issued, which shows the importance of private capital in China. In this paper, I mainly discuss the issue that the private capital was invested in the banking industry, exploring the current situation of private capital in the banking industry and the problems the private capital has to face. The writing can be divided into three parts, firstly it focuses on the introduction of private capital, and then it introduces the present situation and main problems of private capital during of process of investment based on the theory of systemic risk and path change. At last, reasonable proposals are put forward according to the relevant data and policies the government has implemented. I hope this paper can bring inspiration to sectors in our country. Key words Private capital; banking; systemic risk; path change 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 前言 1 一、民间资本投资我国银行业的现状 1 (一)民间资本的发展现状 1 (二)民间资本投资我国银行业现状 4 二、民间资本投资银行业的主要问题及成因 5 (一)民间资本投资银行业的主要问题 5 (二)民间资本投资银行业步履艰难的成因分析 6 三、民间资本进一步投资银行业的建议 8 (一)金融行业积极探索资本融合的新路径 8 (二)国家宏观政策的有效扶持 9 (三)培养具有专业素养的投资人才 10 结论 12 参考文献 13 致谢 14 前言 民间资本在我国并不算是新兴事物,提起这个字眼通常人们总是想到“温州炒房团”,把民


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