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* Unit 1 Book 3 CHANGES IN THE WAY WE LIVE * Unit 1 If you want to know more about these schools, you are welcomed to log on to their websites: Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Harvard University University of Pennsylvania Princeton University Yale University * Unit 1 Book 3 CHANGES IN THE WAY WE LIVE * on balance (Line 54): with all things considered eg: 1) On balance, it’s probably not advisable to change the company’s name. 2) I think, on balance, you are a tolerant and generous person. Part III * Unit 1 Book 3 CHANGES IN THE WAY WE LIVE * Part III Confusable words illustrate: emphasizes “to explain sth. with examples or with photos and pictures”. explain : means “to give the reasons or reveal some puzzles of sth.” eg: He is explaining how a machine operates. interpret: means “to explain the meaning of sth. with imagination or some special knowledge”. eg: How do you interpret this poem? * Unit 1 Book 3 CHANGES IN THE WAY WE LIVE * aside from (Line 69) except for, in addition to (more usual in Am. English, same as apart from) eg: 1) This essay is good aside from a couple of spelling mistakes. 2) Aside from an occasional game, he doesnt take any exercise. Part III * Unit 1 Book 3 CHANGES IN THE WAY WE LIVE * Part III cut back(Line 71): reduce in size or amount cut back sth. eg: There is a growing movement to cut back the government’s role in agriculture and to reduce subsidies paid to farmers. cut back on sth. eg: The government has cut back on defense spending. * Unit 1 Book 3 CHANGES IN THE WAY WE LIVE * suspect (L78) believe to be true, likely or probable; feel doubt about ( used in the patterns: suspect sb./ sth. of sth.; suspect that ) USA banned domestic poultry imported from China, suspecting that they might have been infected


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