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Unit One A Brush with the Law A young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to trouble with the law. One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he ends up in court ... I. Before Reading Warming-up Questions 1. Are you more suspicious of some strangers than others? 2. Do you think that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law? Explain. 3. Have you ever been stopped by the police? If so, how did you feel? Background information Background information Background information 延伸思考:为什么英国的法官和律师要戴假发? 法官和律师在法庭上戴假发是英国法庭最有特色的传统之一,在一些受英国司法制度影响深远的前英国殖民地地区,我们也可以看到这种具有不列颠特色的文化烙印,比如中国的香港特别行政区。 有人说,法官戴假发是表示自己的德高望重,而律师戴假发可以在一定程度上起到掩饰和保护作用,因为他们担心自己的辩护结果不能得到被告人及其家人的认可。但这与其说是合理的解释,不如说是与律师有过节的人编出来诋毁他们的笑话。 根据历史学家和民俗学家的研究,英国人戴假发的流行时尚传统大约始于十二世纪,当时并不只是法官和律师的专利,上层社会的人都将戴假发视为一种时尚,是出席正式场合或沙龙聚会时的正规打扮。 counterculture: 反主流文化 counter-: prefix 前缀 反对,相反,回击,对应 e.g. counterattack: 反攻,反击 counterrevolution: 反革命 counterpart: 相对应的人或物 六十年代美国反主流文化:摇滚乐、精神之恋、性解放和群居公社 20世纪60年代美国爆发了青年大规模的反主文化 运动。这一文化运动发生于社会转型时期及动荡不安 的美国社会,对美国社会和文化发展产生了深刻影响。 反主流文化运动采取了一系列与主流文化格格不入的 斗争方式,推动了美国社会制度进一步民主化,但也 导致了生活方式的自由放任,其中吸毒和性自由成为 美国社会多年难以治愈的顽疾。 ◆ What type is the text? A narration B description C exposition D argumentation II. Global Reading 1. Part Division of the Text … The whole process …was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court. 2.Why does the author think his release from the charge arbitrary? 1.Why does the author think his arrest arbitrary? Why does the author think his release from the charge arbitrary? He had the “right” accent, that is, he probably had received a good education. He had respectable, middle-class parents in court, that is, he was from a “good” family; He had reliable witnesses; He could afford a very good solicitor, that is, his fam


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