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Check the answers 9. Para 8 Line 32-34 10.Para 9 Line 43-44 11. Para 10 Line 51-53 12. Para 13 Where At the dinner table at home When The other night Who The father and his three children What College English Book 3 百色学院外国语学院 2015.09 Unit 2 Fruitful Questions Look at the three pictures of an orange, a tomato and a strawberry. Which one does not belong to the same group as the other two? Why? linear thinking paradigm shifts linear thinking线性思考 : 一种直线的、单向的、单维的、缺乏变化的思维方式 。如传统的写作和阅读,受稿纸和书本的空间影响,必须以时空和逻辑顺序进行。 paradigm shifts范式变化 范式(paradigm)的概念和理论是美国著名科学哲学家托马斯·库恩(Thomas,Kunn) 提出并在《科学革命的结构》(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)(1962)中系统阐述的,它指的是一个共同体成员所共享的信仰、价值、技术等等的集合。指常规科学所赖以运作的理论基础和实践规范,是从事某一科学的研究者群体所共同遵从的世界观和行为方式。   Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street Sesame Street is an educational American children’s television series designed for preschoolers, and is recognized as a pioneer of the contemporary (当代的)standard which combines education and entertainment in children’s television shows. It is produced in the United States by Sesame Workshop, and broadcasted on November 10, 1969 on the National Educational Television network. Because of its positive influence, Sesame Street has earned the distinction of being the foremost and most highly regarded educator of children in the world. No television series has matched its level of recognition and success on the international stage. Sesame Street The original series has been televised in 120 countries, and more than 20 international versions have been produced. In its long and illustrious(赫赫有名的) history, Sesame Street has received more Emmy Awards than any other program, and has captured the allegiance(忠诚), esteem(尊重), and affection of millions of viewers worldwide. SesameStreet:美国芝麻街儿童教育平台是美国的国家教育电视台创办的儿童节目,节目综合运用了木偶、动画和真人表演等各种表现手法向儿童教授基础阅读、算术、颜色的名称、字母和数字等基本知识,有时还教一些基本的生活常识其中许多的滑稽短剧和小栏目都已成为其他电视节目竞相模仿的典范。 Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) Copernicus wa


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