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Article mildly ad. 1) 轻微地,适度地 The soup tasted mildly spicy. 汤尝起来略有点辣。 2) 和善地,温和地 She spoke mildly to us. 她很和蔼地向我们讲话。 3) 说得委婉些,说得好听一点 He put the case very mildly. 他把情况说得十分婉转。 Article irritating a. 烦人的,使人不愉快的 Habitual tardiness is irritating to the teachers. 学生迟到习以为常,令教师恼火。 irritate vt. 使烦躁,激怒 His pointless question irritated me. 他无意义的质疑惹恼我了。 significantly ad. 重大地,可观地 Eastern cultures are significantly different from the Western ones. 东方文化与西方文化迥然不同。 significance n. 1) 意义,意思 This fact has little significance for us. 这一事实对我们没有什么意义。 2) 重大意义,重要性 They failed to appreciate the significance of the precautions. 他们没有意识到这些预防措施的重要性。 Next Article significant a. 1) 重要的,重大的 Your success today may be significant for your whole future. 你今天的成功对你的整个未来可能都是重要的。 2) 有意义的,有用意的 I don’t think that is significant. 我认为那没有什么用意。 engage in 从事,参加 Many children engage in extracurricular dramatics. 许多小朋友参加课外话剧活动。 be engaged in 1) 忙于 She is engaged in learning English. 她忙着学英语。 2) 从事 He was engaged in environmental protection. 他从事环境保护工作。 Article 6. Mr. Benchley, who passed away in 2006, came to regret writing Jaws, which he felt fed irrational hatred of a fish that does not typically prey on humans. (Para. 11) Mr. Benchley, who died in 2006, began to regret writing Jaws. He thought that the book was responsible for increasing unreasonable hatred of sharks that do not typically attack humans. Sentence Paraphrasing Article So is too little fear. (Para. 2) If you have little fear, it’s no good for you, either. Sentence Paraphrasing Article 2. Found in one out of every ten Americans, specific phobias seem to run in families and are roughly twice as likely to appear in women. (Para. 5) In every ten Americans you will find a case of specific phobia. It seems that there is family similarity in specific phobia and the chance of suffering from specific phobia is about twice in women as in men. Sentence Paraphrasing Article 3. This feeling usually begins about age 15 and affects



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