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Full Orchestra, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Guitar, Jazz, Modern, Rock, Voice * SCHOOL CLUBS IN AUSTRALIA 澳大利亚的学校社团(课外活动) “CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES” Mr Gary Butner In Australian schools, YES!! 在澳大利亚的学校,是的! WHY? - Because schools develop Student Wellbeing 为什么?-因为这是学校培养学生身心健康的需要 Private schools have these: 私立学校中通常有这些社团 interschool sport – serious competitions 校际体育项目--竞争性非常强的比赛 school sport – not as serious 校内体育项目--非强竞争性 Arts – music, musicals, drama, dance, art 艺术—音乐、音乐剧、话剧、舞蹈、美术 political and environmental clubs 政治相关的社团和环保相关的社团 computer clubs 计算机相关的社团 debating, public speaking 辩论和公众演讲 film, reading, creative writing, media 影视制作、阅读、创意写作、传媒 chess 棋类 business, finance, sharemarket game 商业、财务、股市游戏 Interschool sport (serious competition) training three times each week athletics/swimming – mornings 6.00-7.30am; rowing - mornings 5.00-7.00am team sports – two afternoons each week 4.00-6.00pm competitions Friday afternoon or Saturday School Sport (less serious) two afternoons each week 4.00-6.00pm Music ensembles (high level) practice three times each week – one morning and two afternoons; performances some weekends Music (not so serious) two afternoons each week Drama, Dance, Art, Computer Clubs, Creative Writing, Film, Reading two afternoons each week performances will be at night or on weekends for some clubs only Chess, Debating, Public Speaking, Business one afternoon and one lunch hour; competitions one night each week Each Club has two student officials 每个社团有两名学生官员 They are elected by the students; teachers have a say as well 由学生选举产生,老师有话语权 One is the Captain, the other, the Vice-Captain 一个是社长,一个是副社长 They help with the organisation 他们协助组织活动 They write a report for the school magazine and local newspaper 他们就社团活动向校报及当地报纸发布相关报道 They motivate the students 他们负责激励学生 They communicate with the leader 他们负责和社团领导沟通 The larger groups have “Parent Support Groups” 较大的社


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