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故与其花时间去背诵和主题无关的引言,还不如把精力放在主题句本身的锤炼上,完善结构,增加修辞,把主题句写精致。如上句还可改为:“Undeniably, the Internet has revolutionized the ways people communicate.”(句4) 这显然在结构和修辞比句2更有韵味。 类似替换写法很多,以下是一些常用的,可供参考: 1. “It is an indisputable fact that …”换成“Undeniably, …” 2. “We hold it truth to be self-evident that …”换成“Evidently, …” 3. “There’s no denying the fact that …”换成“Undeniably, …” 4. “It is a well-known fact that …”换成“Not surprisingly, …” 5. “Even more worrying is the fact that …”换成“Even more disturbingly, …” 6. “It is obviously that …”换成“Obviously, …” 7. “It is vitally important that” 换成“More importantly, …” 方法二:巧用结构,替换空话 “with the development of our society”此类句子可能是中国考生最爱写的套话。较夸张的写法是:“Along with the dramatic economic growth and groundbreaking social and psychological displacement, there’s an urgent demand that our country have more newspapers and magazines.” 替换办法:使用“……很重要,我们要重视”形成主题句,然后进行结构变换或修辞处理,使用词和结构更加多样化。下面用语法结构解析的方法来逐一分析“……很重要,我们要重视”的表达方式。 1. 用“主系表”结构表达:S + be +adj. 结合“not only +adj., but also +adj.”结构写成:“… is not only necessary, but also indispensable”, 再补充一句:“and that’s why we are supposed to emphasize its central position in our society.”这样就能成功将“随着社会的发展”这一空话替换下来。 2. 用“主谓宾”结构表达。上句可表达为:“… plays a significant part in our society, so it is essential that its position be emphasized.” 这两种表达方式都直接、有效。 3. 用否定句和被动语态表达。二者结合可使表达更多样,更具客观性,如:“The central position of … cannot be ignored. So we are expected to underscore its importance in our society.” 4. 用until正话反说或反话正说。可以用“… has been overlooked until recently. But …”为“……很重要,我们要重视”这个意思做铺垫,使句意表达更生动,如:“The importance of … has been in large measure overlooked until recently. But nowadays, it is not only necessary, but also indispensable in our society. ” 5. 先写“重视”,再写“重要”。如:“We are supposed to emphasize its central position in our society, because it is not only necessary, but also indispensable.” 方法三:用好“数据论证”,学会没话找话 “数据论证”像把双刃剑:一方面它很管用,写得好的话,能形成流畅的论证过程;而另一方面,它有点像“谎话”,如写不好,数据组织和延伸句之间不通顺,一看就像编“故事”,反而影响成绩。所以,建议经验较丰富的写作“高手”使用该方法。使用这


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