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摄像头、光纤、电凝线术后需用柔软的吸水强的布擦干。存放时应无角度盘旋,不可折叠及过度弯曲。 冷光源功率大,发热高,其主机应置于通风、散热的器械车上,减少无效照亮时间。 气腹机应注意高压接头连接是否牢固。气腹管要求消毒无菌,可浸泡或高压灭菌。 电刀的输出功率不宜过大,一般不超过60瓦,当切割或电凝效果不好时,应从其他方面多找原因。 腹腔镜仪器设备的日常保养 熟悉设备性能、特点、原理、操作步骤和使用方法; 主要设备如光源、摄象主机、监视器、电刀、气腹机等,摆放位置要有散热空间; 保持仪器的清洁,不用时要有防尘罩覆盖 专人负责保养和使用; 腹腔镜手术器械的保养 专人保管,定期检查保养,制定登记制度。 每日手术完毕后,由专人负责对器械进行清洁、保养并登记。 要熟悉器械清洗过程和要点。 各种配件、接头、密封圈再清洗时不要遗失,关节处上油。 关节处不要硬扳,尖不能碰及硬物 管状不能敲打 镜头严禁投抛或相互碰撞 摄像头、电线存放时不可折叠 澳抗手术器械处置 用固定容器配置2%的洗消净10000毫升 手术后将器械各关节打开,镜头、导线一并浸泡洗消净中30分钟 用清水冲洗干净 将器械浸泡多酶溶液中10分钟 再次用软化水冲洗 擦干器械,关节处上油 安装好放入腔镜盒内 高压灭菌消毒 反复使用手术器械、仪器的效果 ... 和使用、清洁、保养、消毒和灭菌过程中每一个环节都有关 谢 谢! * * 1806 - Philip Bozzini, built an instrument that could be introduced in the human body to visualize the internal organs. He called this instrument LICHTLEITER. Bozzini has been credited to be the inventor of the first endoscope, however it was never tested in humans . It used a candle as the source of light. At that time people did not understand this procedure and he was reviewed by the medical faculty of Vienna and punished for his curiosity * * 1853 - Antoine Jean Desormeaux, was a french surgeon who first introduced the Lichtleiter of Bozzini to a patient. For many he is considered the Father of Endoscopy. This instrument had a system of mirrows and lens, with a lamp flame as the light source. Burns, as imagined, were the major complication of these procedures. The lichtleiter was mainly used for urologic cases * * 1853 - Antoine Jean Desormeaux, was a french surgeon who first introduced the Lichtleiter of Bozzini to a patient. For many he is considered the Father of Endoscopy. This instrument had a system of mirrows and lens, with a lamp flame as the light source. Burns, as imagined, were the major complication of these procedures. The lichtleiter was mainly used for urologic cases * * 1901- George Kelling, of Dresden coined the term coelioskope to describe the technique that used a cystoscope to examine the abdominal cavity of dogs. Dr. Kelling reported these resul


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