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The rise of the issue (The subject of lying me; There is no conclusion; There are puzzles concerned with lying.) → (The view of the most people: acceptable, necessary, ; otherwise , nasty, unnecessarily embarrassing; my view: . Examples) → peace-keeping lies (definition; my view: Such lies shelter the liar from keep trouble at bay, hurt no one, avoid fights, but sometimes I feel wrong, and guilty. Examples) → (reasons for and occasions of telling such lies, my view and feeling on this topic) → trust-keeping lies (definition, my view: whether I tell such lies depends on contradictory) → conclusion ( I am willing to lie because others may completely accept the lies, but . ) intrigues and challenges AR- Flow Chart Directions: The text is well organized with a beginning, a main body, and an ending. Fill in the following blocks and blanks of the flow chart to get a clearer picture of the text structure. ___________________ ultimate _______ social lies ________ civilized ________ brutish _______ I basically agree with the most people ______________________________ blame or pain protective lies ___________ the situation __________, lying is my last resort _________________ Flowchart ________ ____ When I enrolled in the course Advanced Mathematics, I anticipated difficulties because I was not well grounded in mathematics in high school. The course was taught by Professor Smith. He was an old-fashioned gentleman, formally dressed, soft spoken, and cordial to his students. However, when it came to academic matters, he was by no means an easy person. Before he started his lecture, he discoursed enthusiastically on the importance of working in an orderly fashion, of being thoroughly prepared before each class, of being s


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