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Who is faster?(眼疾口快) Who do they meet ? Listen to Pic2-Pic5,and answer. Answer the questions: 1. What does he do? He’s a juggler. telephone Listen and watch Pic6--Pic10. Who is coming? What does she do? She is a vet. ( ) She is a doctor. ( ) 1. Who is this man? He is a policeman. 2. Can he help Mocky? Yes, he can. We should help people when they need help. Who helps Mocky in the story? Read and write:Yes or NO . 1.Miss White is a not teacher.( ) 2. He is a juggler.( ) 3. Mocky can juggle.( ) 4. Mocky is not all right in pic4. ( ) 5.Ann and Ken will call a teacher. ( ) 6. Mocky needs a doctor to help him. ( ) 7.At last(最后), Mocky is all right.( ) Read by Selves Who’s No.1 ??? 1.选择3个职业运用句型仿写对话 2.听录音10分钟,讲故事给父母听 (家长签字“已写完”“已朗读”) 3.给组长背诵前5幅图的故事 (组长登记“已背诵前5”) Unit1 Jobs Lesson 1 Mocky the Juggler What does she do? She is a teacher. What does he do? He is a juggler. What does she do? She is a doctor . What does he do? He is a policeman. What does he do? He is a vet. What does he do? He’s a …. What does she do? She’s a … . Pairwork.(练习对话) teacher juggler policeman doctor vet They meet ..... 2. Can Mocky juggle? No. He cant juggle. 3. Is Mocky all right?(pic4) No. He falls down. 4.What does Ann say?(pic5) There’s a telephone. Call 999,Ken “跌落,跌倒” call 999 “寻求帮助” “拨打999” call for help call ﹛ There’s a telephone. √ My friend is hurt. We need help. Don’t worry. I can help. 7 What does he


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