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It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.by Mark Twin. Words and expressions Do the rewards of teaching outweigh the trying moments? outweigh: v. be more important or valuable than sth. else 比…重(在重量上);比…重要;比…有价值 The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks. profession: n. 职业;同行业的全体人员 I don’t know what profession would suit me. He left the teaching profession to set up his own business. Teaching as a profession is very underpaid. Hes a doctor by profession. convince: v. make someone feel certain that sth. is true; persuade sb. to do sth. The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way. I hope this will convince you to change your mind. The lawyer tried to convince the jury陪审团 of his client’s当事人 innocence. build on: base on; use as a base for further development All research builds on work by previous reseachers. Her conclusion is built on a careful analysis of current international affairs. distribute: v.分发,散布,配销 He distributed sweets to all the children in the class. At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets传单 to promote products for a cosmetic company. switch: 转变,转换;开关 She started studying English at college, but switched to Accounting in her second year. Would you please switch the TV off? a light switch Can you flip the switch? analysis: n. 分析 The artical provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accident. analysis 的复数形式是analyses, 动词形式为analyse或analyze 与其有相似变化的词还有: basis—bases crisiscrises Text Analysis Part one Para. two Para. three Engineering Chemical Engineers Electrical Engineers Environmental engineering Mechanical engineering Why I chose to attend college A paragraph is made up of a group of sentences about the same topic. The main idea of the paragraph is usually given in the first sentence or last sentence of the paragraph. This sentence is called the topic sentence. I ...because I not because... I find Exerc


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