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Sressed Pattern for communication Stressed words and unstressed words Stressed words (重读单词): information words (5W1H) 名词、动词、数词、形容词、副词 Unstressed words(非重读单词): function words 冠词、代词、介词、助动词 Words and Expressions 1 greetings from Acapulco a greeting card 2 bought some beautiful jewelry jewelry [U] 珠宝 a piece of jewelry jewel 宝石 Chinese jewel--jade 玉,翡翠 Thats all for now. 就这么多/讲完了。 Reading 1 be over 2 university 大学 3 statue sculpture be well rested 休息/歇够了 (较少用) 6 looking forward to doing / sth 很期待遇见你 looking forward to meeting you很期待我们的旅行 Im really looking forward to our vacation 7 return from... return to Paris from London 从伦敦回巴黎 Reading Easter Island 复活节岛,在东南太平洋上, 属智利,因岛上的巨型石 雕闻名 statue 雕塑 cave 洞穴 Spa 温泉浴场 meditate 冥想 vegetarian food 素食 snorkeling 潜水 raft 橡皮艇 wildlife 野生生物 arctic ocean 北冰洋 refuge 避难所 caribou (北美)驯鹿 Anchorage 安克雷奇 Match statue cave paintings spa do yogo meditate eat vegetarian food go snorkeling Arctic Ocean National Wildlife Refuge raft caribou 洞穴岩画 吃素食 戴潜水通气管潜泳 北冰洋 冥想 温泉疗养地 北美驯鹿 石像 做瑜伽 国家野生生物保护区 木筏 Thank you Unit 7 We had a great time! What do you usually do in your free time? What did you do yesterday? Did you do anything special? Do you do anything special? What did you do last weekend? What do you do? SNAPSHOT 1 US = United States UK= Uniited Kingdom free time = spare time Top Eight Leisure-Time Activities in the US How do you spend your day? How do you spend your spare time? SNAPSHOT 2 read books/magazines watch TV spend time with family fish (go fishing) do gardening play sports go to the moives spend time with friends go on the Internet = surf the net play mah-jong go to the beauty salon Conversion 1 Question: 1.What did Meg do last weekend? 2.What did Rick do last weekend? She went to a karaoke on Saturday. She stayed home


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