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25 2 Vo.l 25 No. 2 2005 6 Chem istry and Industry of Forest Products June 2005 * 吴淑芳, 丁少军, 李忠正 (南京林业大学 化学工程学院, 江苏 南京 210037) : 对内切纤维素酶 (EG )在混合 公废纸酶法脱墨中的作用进行了研究结果表 明: EG 在混合 公废纸脱墨中起着明显作用, 浆料经EG 处理后浮选有比较高的油墨脱出 率EG 脱墨的最佳工艺条件为: 温度 60 , pH 值 7. 5, 时间 40 m in, 每克浆酶用量 0. 5 IU; 酶 WU F 处理过程中随着酶用量的增加, 纸浆平均聚合度呈下降趋势, 当每克浆酶用量为 0. 5 IU 时, 纸 浆聚合度下降的幅度不大含有碳酸钙填料和(或) 涂料的废纸其灰分的存在影响酶脱墨效果; 酸处理可提 高油墨脱出率, 浆料经酸处理后可进一步提高 EG 的脱墨效果 : 混合 公废纸; 内切纤维素酶; 脱墨; 酸处理 : TQ91; T 74 : A : 0253- 2417( 2005) 02- 0087- 04 FUNCT ION OF ENDOGLUCANA E I IN THE DEINK ING PROCE OF M IXED OFFICE WA TE PAPER WU hu-fang, DING hao-jun, LI Zhong-zheng ( Colleg e of Chem ical E ng ineering, N anj ing Forestry Un iv er sity, N anj ing 210037, Ch ina ) A bstrac t: The perform ance of endoglucanase I ( EG ) was investigated in the deink ing process of m ixed officew aste paper(MOW ). Results show ed the optmi al treatm ent cond itions of temperature 60 , pH value 7. 5, treated tmi e 40 m in and enzyme dosage 0. 5 IU per gram pu lp. Though enzym ic treatm ent decreased the degree of polym erization ( DP) of pu lp, the DP decreased lmi itedly w ithin defin ite enzyme dosage. EG played an mi portant role in the deink ing process ofMOW because the mi provement of ink-removal in floated pulp after EG treatm ent was achieved. M eantmi e the existence of ash in w aste paper w ith fillers or coating ( consisted m ainly of C aCO ) affected deink ing


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