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Bioinformatics in Translational Medicine Lu XIE (谢鹭) Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology (上海生物信息技术研究中心) th 2014-06-19, The 12 Korean-Japan-China Bioinformatics Training Course 2014, Jeju Island, Korea 谢鹭 (Lu Xie),Ph.D., M.D. Translational Medicine Group, SCBIT xielu@,  Training – 1985-2000 Xiang Ya Medical College, Central South University, M.D., Ph.D -- 2000-2005 Vanderbilt University, USA, Postdoctoral Research Fellow  Career – 1997-2000 Xiang Ya Medical College, Central South Univ, Assitant Prof. – 2005-2009 Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technolgoy, Assoc. Prof. – 2010-now Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technolgoy, Professor.  Research field – Proteomics Bioinformatics: Proteogenomics, protein post-translational modification, signaling transduction network – Cancer Bioinformatics: tumor biomarker, clinical predictive models, transcriptional regulatory network Outline  Translational medicine definition  Why bioinformatics in translational medicine  Bioinformatics computational approaches  Bioinformatics applications in Translational Medicine  Work cases Translational medicine  Translational medicine is a discipline within biomedical and public health research that aims to improve the health of individuals and the community by “translating ”findings into diagnostic tools, medicines, procedures, policies and education. Wikipedia. Last updated on April 29, 2014 Traditional categorization  Basic research (fundamental or pure research) is more speculative and takes a long time to be applied in any practical context. Basic research often leads to breakthroughs or paradigm-shifts in practice.  Applied research is research that can have an impact in


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