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1、看语法是否正确,包括单词的拼写,大小写,标点,动词的时态、语态,名词的单复数,形容词、副词的比较等级,主谓一致,冠词的用法,词语的搭配等。 2、一定要数一数文章的词数,标点符号不算。不过,这些问题在下笔之前应先有思考,先有答案,免得在卷面上七涂八改,要知道“包装”也很重要。 * * English Writing ---travel diary 谈论过去的事: 写旅游日记 一般过去时: 1.过去的状态:主语+was/were+… 2.过去的动作:主语+V.ed How to write a travel diary? 审:审题(人称、主要内容、时态) 列:列出各要点,写出关键词/词组 连:词/词组-句-段-篇(开头、结尾、连接词) 查:检查人称,时态,拼写,短语和要点 誊:誊写作文,书面整洁 五 步 法 审、列、连、查、誊 Opening sentences 开头 1 Last Sunday, I went to …with… 2.On May1st, we traveled to … 3.On Children’s Day ,we had a chance to go to… Summary 结尾 To make a summary进行总结 Eg. What a wonderful place! I think we had a great time there. Although we were a little tired, we were very happy. 2.To show wishes表达愿望 Eg. I wish I can go there again if I have a chance. For your next vacation, why not consider visiting … Conjunctions 润滑剂(连接词、过渡词) 表顺序 表递进 表并列、选择 表转折 表原因 first/then/next/finally also/besides/even/what’s more and/or… but/however/although because 第二学月作文: 请你以“A Visit to the zoo”为题,根据提示用英语写一篇短文。 提示内容: 1.那天天气晴朗,阳光灿烂。 2.动物园离我们学校有点远,我们乘公共汽车去那儿。 3.动物园人多,很挤。 4.我们参观了游客中心,看了海豚表演, 海豚聪明可爱,我非常喜欢他们。 5.我们去礼品店买了很多礼物,到下午五点才返校。 A visit to the zoo Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my classmates.The weather was fine and it was sunny all day.The zoo is far from my school,so we took a bus there.(We went there by bus.)There were many people in the zoo.It was very crowded.At frist,we visited the Visitors’ Center.Then we watched a dolphin show,and it was very interesting.Dolphins are very cute and I like them very much.After that,we went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts.Finally,we were tired but happy.We didn’t go back to school until five o’clock. It was an exciting trip.I hope to go there again. Sample 根据提示写一篇日记, 记录五月一日(星期五) 你和朋友一起去参观福建历史博物馆的事。 提示内容: 天气: 晴朗 2. 距离: 离家约两公里。(2 kilometers) 3. 交通工具: 骑自行车去。 4. 时间: 八点出发, 十点回家。 5. 内容: 见到了许多照片, 实物等. 学到了很多东西。 6.


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