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生态与农村环境学报  2007 , 23 (4) : 90 - 94   J ou rna l of E cology and R u ra l E nvironm en t 上海地区河流健康评价方法探讨 ( 吴阿娜, 车  越, 徐启新, 杨  凯   华东师范大学 环境科学系 上海市城市化生态过程和生态恢复重点实验室 ,上海   200062) 摘要 : 界定了河流健康的概念 ,基于对国外河流健康表征指标的剖析 ,尝试从河流水文 、河流形态 、河岸带状况 、水质理化参数以 及河流生物 5方面对河流健康进行评价 ,初步提出由 5个 1级指标 、17 个 2 级指标架构的城市河流健康评价体系 。通过国际调 研 、标准对照、专家咨询等方法制定相关评价标准 ,基于简明的评价模型将河流健康状况划分为很健康 、健康 、亚健康 、不健康和 病态 5个等级 。以上海中心城区某河流为例 ,对其健康状况进行评价 。 关键词 : 河流健康 ; 评价 ; 指标体系 ; 河流管理 中图分类号 : X826  文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : 1673 - 4831 (2007) 04 - 0090 - 05 Approach for Hea lth A ssessm en t of R ivers in Shangha i. WU E nuo, CHE Yue, X U Q ix in, YAN G Ka i ( Key L aboratory of U rban ization and Ecological R estoration , East Ch ina Norm al Un iversity, Shanghai 200062 , Ch ina) Abstract: A fter defin ing of the concep t of river health , and analysing of the characteristic indexes ( ISC, RHP and U SHA ) of river health p revailing in other countries, attemp ts were m ade to assess river health in five different asp ects, i. e. hydrology, morphology, riverside, physical and chem ical p rop erties of water quality, and aquatic life w ith an index system recomm ended to con sist of 5 p rim ary indices and 17 secondary indices. A data collection m ethod tak ing into account reaches, m easu ring sites and tran sectswas designed and a fivegrade system including “excellent, good, m arginal, poor, very poor ”was estab lished for assessm ent of river health. The abovedescribed theories and m ethods were app lied to the case study of a river in Shanghai, and the resu lts reveal that th is system isworkab le in assessing health or envi ronm ental condition s of rivers. Key words: river health; assessm ent; index system ; river m anagem ent



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